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(Feb 18, 2015, 09:21 PM)Nuclear Pikachu Wrote: I'm guessing no second requests?

if i have the pokemon, you can make one Smile right now all i have is darkrai and genesect! i think i'm gonna make some more reshiram tomorrow but i might wait until the weekend so i have more time.
I would like a reshiram but i all take a genesect hold lemme go catch a random
Ty I may be back for a reshi tomorrow Smile
May i have genesect or Darkrai(preferably drakrai)
Hey, if you have a Darkrai left I'd love one Smile
I'm sure we have eachother added, but I just started my Spring semester so I'll only be available between 7pm-11pm pst, so just PM me if you're available at that time :D
Could I have one of those darkrai please
Could I please have one of those genesects? If you still it.
ign: Maria
fc: 5472 8950 2479
I guess that i can'r participate twice? So maybe you want to trade one of the shiny darkrai?
Do you have a Darkrai left? May I have one please?
Fc: 2079-8868-2492
IGN: Avirna
(Feb 19, 2015, 09:11 AM)LegendRatchet Wrote: I guess that i can'r participate twice? So maybe you want to trade one of the shiny darkrai?

sorry, with these last people asking for one they are all gone Sad

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