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[GIVEAWAY] Sword and Shield Exclusives Giveaway!
Welcome everyone to my first ever giveaway!
Since we are all trying to complete our Pokedex, I thought I would breed 15 of every exclusive pokemon evolution line in Sword and Shield. What is not included are the exclusive Gigantamax forms, red/blue-striped Basculin, and male/female Indeedee. Also, I have 15 Spritzees and Swirlix, but no Sachets or Whipped Dreams. If you trade a trash-mon holding a Sachet or Whipped Dream, upon special request I will gladly make the corresponding mon hold it. While there are no requirements to receive these Pokemon, reputation would be nice.

Each person can recieve up to one of every Pokemon. Please send a PM or comment with your IGN and which mons you want. I'm usually online, but am currently living in Japan so our times may not always align. You can add me as a friend if we have trouble lining up times.
My Friend Code is SW-7727-6846-8768.

--Paused until Home releases--

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Hi! i would like to have one each, is that possible?
(Dec 3, 2019, 01:41 AM)eisenaudi14 Wrote: Hi! i would like to have one each, is that possible?

Most definitely! I added you, use link code 4242 to trade Smile
(Dec 3, 2019, 01:53 AM)Wondertrampe Wrote:
(Dec 3, 2019, 01:41 AM)eisenaudi14 Wrote: Hi! i would like to have one each, is that possible?

Most definitely! I added you, use link code 4242 to trade Smile

Okay will go online soon
Thanks for the Pokemons! really appreciate it, I'm sorry i didn't have all of the Pokes u r looking for, i thought i had Mawile, but i think it's already traded, so Turtonator is the only 1 left, i also still looking for Stonjourner, Goodluck finding the rest, have a nice day!

Cheers from Indonesia
(Dec 3, 2019, 02:17 AM)eisenaudi14 Wrote: Thanks for the Pokemons! really appreciate it, I'm sorry i didn't have all of the Pokes u r looking for, i thought i had Mawile, but i think it's already traded, so Turtonator is the only 1 left, i also still looking for Stonjourner, Goodluck finding the rest, have a nice day!

Cheers from Indonesia

No worries, any help is extra and appreciated greatly! Turtonator was a big help!

Happy Hunting!
yo! If you are still looking for Mawile and Stojourner I'll be happy to help you out Smile
(Dec 3, 2019, 10:24 AM)wpendragon Wrote: yo! If you are still looking for Mawile and Stojourner I'll be happy to help you out Smile

Yes definitely, that would be amazing! I just woke up—I’ll keep an eye out for when you are online, thanks :D
Hey! Hope you're having a good day! May I receive one of each Shield exclusive? I would really appreciate it if you could give them to me. :)
@Cyanide I can offer a few of the shield exclusives!

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