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[GIVEAWAY] Sword and Shield Exclusives Giveaway!
I have shield version and wish to request each one of the sword exclusives.
thanks in advance
(Dec 28, 2019, 07:45 PM)Sun Juan Wrote: Added.
I have shield version and wish to request each one of the sword exclusives.
thanks in advance

Sure thing, are you J.E.I.N who sent me a friend request? And what’s your IGN
(Dec 28, 2019, 10:13 PM)Wondertrampe Wrote:
(Dec 28, 2019, 07:45 PM)Sun Juan Wrote: Added.
I have shield version and wish to request each one of the sword exclusives.
thanks in advance

Sure thing, are you J.E.I.N who sent me a friend request? And what’s your IGN

Hi yeah, it was me . when and how can we trade?
(Dec 29, 2019, 11:00 AM)Sun Juan Wrote:
(Dec 28, 2019, 10:13 PM)Wondertrampe Wrote:
(Dec 28, 2019, 07:45 PM)Sun Juan Wrote: Added.
I have shield version and wish to request each one of the sword exclusives.
thanks in advance

Sure thing, are you J.E.I.N who sent me a friend request? And what’s your IGN

Hi yeah, it was me . when and how can we trade?

Im sorry i realise that i need to purchase something to be able to use the internet connection in the game...
Ill let u know if im interested, when i buy it ok?
(Dec 3, 2019, 12:16 AM)Wondertrampe Wrote:
Welcome everyone to my first ever giveaway!
Since we are all trying to complete our Pokedex, I thought I would breed 15 of every exclusive pokemon evolution line in Sword and Shield. What is not included are the exclusive Gigantamax forms, red/blue-striped Basculin, and male/female Indeedee. Also, I have 15 Spritzees and Swirlix, but no Sachets or Whipped Dreams. If you trade a trash-mon holding a Sachet or Whipped Dream, upon special request I will gladly make the corresponding mon hold it. While there are no requirements to receive these Pokemon, reputation would be nice.

Each person can recieve up to one of every Pokemon. Please send a PM or comment with your IGN and which mons you want. I'm usually online, but am currently living in Japan so our times may not always align. You can add me as a friend if we have trouble lining up times.
My Friend Code is SW-7727-6846-8768.

--Available Mons--

[Image: 9rv5DX5.png][Image: jwNDEn4.png][Image: TaL90fm.png][Image: ydUt6UW.png][Image: 2S2qGyT.png][Image: x601CxU.png][Image: YTwGqme.png][Image: x1Pz7LH.png][Image: KWG4b3D.png][Image: n01dxGr.png][Image: WuBnq3f.png][Image: 0MzXRGG.png][Image: vdM1uJu.png][Image: ovH38Va.png]
[Image: zZR3eV4.png][Image: iiA6G9w.png][Image: natltIp.png][Image: se3CE5R.png][Image: 7MP2rCM.png][Image: M6rh89e.png][Image: AwnqN2o.png][Image: Q6Q4kTT.png][Image: MAOvix6.png][Image: c1Uipiw.png][Image: jzuXNqA.png][Image: Y0htOWr.png][Image: msLDeMT.png][Image: DAJEb7H.png]

Special Thanks to:
Eisenaudi14 and Wpendragon for helping me complete the Dex Smile

I'm using my School laptop to use this, and it won't show the images on my screen. So, can you please just tell me what each pokemon is?
Is there any chance I could get all the Sword exclusives? I have sent you a friend request as BuffPuff I believe? If a different name shows up please ask me because I may have changed it at some point.
(Jan 15, 2020, 07:14 PM)ggDerpyDerp Wrote: Is there any chance I could get all the Sword exclusives? I have sent you a friend request as BuffPuff I believe? If a different name shows up please ask me because I may have changed it at some point.

Sure thing, if I catch you online when I'm on my switch I'll hop over to pokemon and we can trade

edit: i actually see you're online now––I can trade now if you want. My IGN is Yellow and I'll be chilling in link code 7282 for a bit. what's you're IGN? Also, you have PM disabled so I can't respond to you via PM
(Jan 15, 2020, 11:32 PM)Wondertrampe Wrote:
(Jan 15, 2020, 07:14 PM)ggDerpyDerp Wrote: Is there any chance I could get all the Sword exclusives? I have sent you a friend request as BuffPuff I believe? If a different name shows up please ask me because I may have changed it at some point.

Sure thing, if I catch you online when I'm on my switch I'll hop over to pokemon and we can trade

edit: i actually see you're online now––I can trade now if you want. My IGN is Yellow and I'll be chilling in link code 7282 for a bit. what's you're IGN? Also, you have PM disabled so I can't respond to you via PM

my ign is Pumpkin, be in the room in a sec
Can I get a Sirfetch'd please??
hi, I know i'm late but is this still ongoing?

I would very much like a selection  Blush

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