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[GIVEAWAY] "Transform" the World- 6 IV Ditto Giveaway! US/UM
Hi guys, I've been looking for this for so long ! 

Pokemon Deposited- Metapod
Level of Deposited- 10
Gender- Female
Message- I want to fill out my pokedex
Nature of Ditto wanted: Jolly Hidden Power
IGN- Centes

Your stocks seem pretty low at the moment, but if at some point I could also get a Timid one that would be awesome !

My stock isn't too low at the minute, I still have over 3 boxes full  Tongue  My rpoblem is my variety of ditto's is low without Wightvoid genning more. I will send your HA ditto when I get a chance but then you can just deposit another metapod and I will get you the timid one

Thanks for the Ditto. Let me know when you end up getting more Modest Nature Ditto.
Hi there! Would love a 6 IV ditto, been searching for so long!

Pokemon Deposited- Metapod
Level of Deposited- 11
Gender- Female (Pokemon) - Male (Trainer)
Message- Please trade Pokemon with me.
Nature of Ditto wanted: Any
IGN- Ruairidh

Thanks in advance, can't wait to get my perfect Ditto :D
Hi!!! I really want a 6ivs ditto! I don't mind the nature! Smile

Pokemon Deposited-wingull

Your ditto has been sent


sorry I don't see yours can you check it is still there?
Sorry somebody traded it,

No problem, I am going online now and you will have your ditto in just a few seconds
Hello there! Would love a 6 IV ditto. 
Pokemon Deposited- Metapod
Level of Deposited- 15
Gender- male (Pokemon) - Male (Trainer)
Message- Please trade Pokemon with me.
Nature of Ditto wanted: don't mind
IGN- Alan
Thanks can't wait for a reply
@Tenebris_Kane @wightvoid
Hi there! I would love a 6 IV ditto!

Pokemon Deposited- Metapod
Level of Deposited- 15
Gender- Male (Pokemon) - Female (Trainer)
Message- Please trade Pokemon with me.
Nature of Ditto wanted: Any
IGN- Rachel

Thanks! Can't wait to get my perfect Ditto :D

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