Poll: What to giveaway next?
This poll is closed.
Shiny goomy
14 38.89%
Shiny lucario
10 27.78%
Shiny gardevoir
6 16.67%
Shiny sceptile
6 16.67%
Total 36 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[GIVEAWAY] Ultimate Pokemon Center Staraptor Giveaway [closed]
I have an amaura, guess I could put some egg moves on it and start the breeding! XD
I added a poll regarding the next giveaway, I'll add your ideas in a few weeks, since I don't have those pokemons ready, and it might take a bit to get it, but those are the ones I can start getting ready for the the next giveaway :D
Pokemon Requested - Staraptor
Pokemon Deposit - Deino
Level - 1
Gender - Female 
IGN - Dannyboi
GTS Messege - UPC GOTW

Would love to see shiny Gardevoir next  Blush
@SnickersXzocker  @Marjorez  @WatchThemFlee89 @ForestEmerald sent! enjoy :D

@lostre could u redeposit or make sure u werent sniped, because i couldnt find you
Pokemnon Requested - Staraptor
Pokemon Deposited -Weede
IGN-alan watts
GTS Message - UPC GOTW
@Dannyboi sent!

At the moment we're out of staraptors,Sad
@mrprize  Redeposited , forgot to set it to lv 91 or above

Charmander lv 1 , message : just boo! , male
Thank you!
Thank you so much! +1 rep for all of you magnificent bastards :D
@lostre i just can't find u in the midle of all those charmanders! 0.0 add my fc and we'll trade it

@ForestEmerald you're welcome

@WatchThemFlee89 eheheheh xD you're welcome

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