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[GIVEAWAY] Very Big Giveaway! (Shiny 6iv pokerus br Rayquaza)
Just deposited! Name Shadowsong
I just posted the wurmple Smile
Hoping to get the rayquaza in time for my buddy's birthday tomorrow :D
Ign = ash
i just sent a wurmple lvl 5 with all the stuff u said to do Smile
I've deposited the wurmple. Happy new year and thank you
Sorry to hear that about your grandma, i hope that she's ok right now...btw I've deposited my wurmple, IGN: Manuel, hoping that it's not too late for the rayquaza
" Sometimes you must HURT in order to KNOW, FALL in order to GROW, LOSE in order to GAIN because life's greatest lessons are learned through PAIN."
is it still open, cuz im doing it IGN theta
and pokemon name:AngryArcanin
Just posted a level 2 wurmple. IGN: Emily
Just deposited. IGN is Matt
Hello, Posted my Wurmple on there, hope you're still doing it!

IGN = Luna
I deposited a lvl. 6 Wurmple my IGN is Charles

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