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[GIVEAWAY] Vinnie Features #15: Eviolite Porygon2
Shiny: yes 
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: male
Level: 45
IGN: Jonathan

Thank you and Happy New Year!
(Jan 2, 2017, 03:02 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @filedit2 

Internet crashed so not sure which one of you got sent a pokemon and which of you got sniped..

@That_cute_pikachu Deposit a different one Wink
@Mada★Faker I can't seem to find it though.. We would like to keep the forum clean, so please no swearing/foul language.
@drago999 Enjoy!
@LowlyGod Enjoy!
@Kcalb Enjoy!
@Johalt Enjoy!
@gatx105x  Heart
@Buzz Kill Can't seem to find one with our IGN
@Leowong02 Sniped?
@AllTradeAndeBattle65 Enjoy!
@Vncentg29 Enjoy!
@JapaTakemura Enjoy!
@bioodchao Enjoy!

Redepositing same mon!! Sry didn't mean to be offensive Angel

lvl 25 male pyukumuku, requesting the shiny version
(Jan 3, 2017, 12:11 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @NoirNuage Welp, can't find it. What is its gender and lvl?
@Jebedex Enjoy!
@Healfiren You're welcome, enjoy!
@Feax no get out of here ya bum
@Kevin Stover Enjoy!
@Kipper Enjoy!
@dragonbv Enjoy!
@Omradem Did you get sniped? Can't seem to find it :P

@Poootis Enjoy!
@utownwarrior87 Enjoy!
@lmao Enjoy!
@Ricaldo Enjoy!
@AndyHG Sweet! Enjoy!
@Jayjay_80 Enjoy!
@Neetsterr Enjoy!
@L3ZLouis 10/10 pun, enjoy! :D
@stevebs11 Enjoy!
Thank you so much. I was having great problems trading for this mon. Just need politoad & I've completed the dex
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Level: 42
IGN: Monica
Shiny: Yes 
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Gandalf
@carlocruzd14 Enjoy!
@Ic@rus225 Enjoy!
@Mada★Faker No problem Wink Enjoy!
@NorthSuicune Enjoy!
@resynee Enjoy!
Shiny: No
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: female
Level: 47
IGN: William

Thank You!!!
  • IGN: Warrior. 
  • Deposited: Sneasel Lv43 female. 
  • MSG: Please trade me a pokemon.  thanks in advance. (Thankyou once more)

(Jan 3, 2017, 06:24 AM)Sun Juan Wrote:
  • Request 1.
  • IGN: Warrior. 
  • Deposited: Sneasel Lv43 female. 
  • MSG: Please trade me a pokemon.  thanks in advance. (Thankyou once more)
  • Request: shiny Porygon 2.
Shiny (yes or no): Yes please
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: male
Level: 1
IGN: Hojunhu

Thanks in advanced as always Vinnie!
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Big Grin 
(Jan 1, 2017, 07:39 AM)Vinnie Wrote:
[font]I cannot find a Sneasel Sad Can I deposit different?[/font]

I cannot find Sneasel  Sad  Can I deposit different?

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