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[GIVEAWAY] shiny and legendary giveaway UPDATED
Could I get rhyorn and metapod
meloetta pleaseee and druddigon
1822-2548-5739 thank you!
Could I please have the Jirachi if it is still available. Not sure if you're updating the list as the pokemon are traded.

FC: 0731-4768-9651
IGN: Nolan
Can i get a jirachi and a 6iv shiny bulbasaur?
IGN Brendan
FC 4656 9467 6827
could i have the Gengar if possible
My FC is 4270-0912-8717
Can I get that Shiny Charmander. Friend code and IGN is in the description. Thanks.
Hey man :D I'll take a gyarados and the blaziken if its possible!
Hey dude, I'd love to get that shiny Mesprit and Fennekin if you don't mind Smile
My IGN and FC are in my description.
Can I please have the venasaur and kyurem?
I'd love to get heatran, if it's still available.
My info is on the left.

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