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[GIVEAWAY] six rare Pokémon
Id like to redeem my DIALGA as soon as possible. I can trade basically till Monday.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
Id Love a marshadow
Im free to trade anytime
I'm on the Plaza now, I'm going to be free for the next few minutes so we can hopefully trade today Big Grin
I'm back again.
@spirit6810 Your Friend code seems to be incorrect...
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I'm offline now again. See you all tomorrow!
I'm back again.
(Nov 21, 2017, 04:01 PM)Mr. Ultracool Wrote: I'm offline now again. See you all tomorrow!

Hello, ca i know normally what time you'll be online? and your time zone? really wanna get those mon  Big Grin
Is GTS an option?
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
Sure, but only for Dialga. I could trade with you now if you're online. Smile
I'm back again.
Hi Mr. Ultracool,

first of all I wanted to thank you for this giveaway Mr. Ultracool.

I am a huge fan of pokemon but I stopped playing on gen 4, and I am now, thanks to Pokemon GO and Gen 7 I went back. I want to fulfill the national Pokedex and this giveaway would help me a great deal

Would it possible to get one of each of the six pokemon you are offering?

Thanks in advance!
@xanperi Sure, I can give them to you whenever you're online and ready to trade! Wink
I'm back again.

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