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Hai everyone~
Hey everyone, I'm Cha0sFinale from the stream chat. Missed yesterdays stream so I'm late in joining the website opening fun, but better late than never!  Smile

Been playing Pokemon off and on since Red/Blue/Yellow and Smash since it first started on the 64. Been taking a break from Pokemon since Smash 3DS came out, but will be right at it again once ORAS is out on the 21st. Looking forward to hanging out and battling in Pokemon/Smash with everyone here on the forums as well in chat!
welcome to the forums, hope to see ya around the stream today and happy foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Welcome Cha0s! Smile
I've also been playing since the original R/B/Y games. Nice to meet you.
Hi there! Good time again to get back into Pokemon again, right?  Smile  
Welcome to teh forums Smile
Welcome to the forums, cha0s!
Main/Replay Mod
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Cute Charm
Move of choice: Sketch
welcome chaos!
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix
Welcome to the forums Cha0s

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