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Hello Everyone!!!
Hello Everyone, Just wanted to Introduce myself. I am Anime_Gamer_Nerd or AGN for short and am very glad to be here. As my name suggest I love anime, gaming, and anything "nerd" related. I am also a sports fan but a huge American Football fan and love dem Dallas Cowboys but also watch some soccer and basketball. Hope to get to talk with all of you and you all enjoy the forums I am glad to be a part in the community. :D
Hey AGN. Welcome to the forums! I too like soccer ^^ Which is your favourite team?
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix
>Dallas Cowboys

Get out.  kappa
welcome to the forums, my fellow cowboys fan, you made a wise choice in your nfl team, lol, glad to see ya on here and hope you have fun. happy foruming. PS bengals are better though :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Haha! thank you all who have commented and welcomed me so far and @MARSxVenom thank you my fellow Cowboys fan but I have to say the Cowboys are better though!! lol
Hey AGN. I remember you from today's stream. What's your favorite anime?
(Nov 1, 2014, 05:57 PM)Levi15791 Wrote: Hey AGN. Welcome to the forums! I too like soccer ^^ Which is your favourite team?

Sup Levi I Have to say Real Madrid, I am a huge Ronaldo fan
I support Chelsea as im from UK, England :D
(Nov 1, 2014, 06:11 PM)Joushou Wrote: Hey AGN. I remember you from today's stream. What's your favorite anime?

Hey Joushou, it is a tie for me right now between DBZ and One Piece, DBZ just because I grew up on it and still love it and just LOVE One Piece but have not caught up on it so please no spoilers, I am really enjoyng Akame ga Kill right now
(Nov 1, 2014, 06:15 PM)Pokemon Wrote: I support Chelsea as im from UK, England :D

that is cool, they are a good team

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