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Hello Pokémonworl
Hey guys it´s CybertronZheng here and ...hust hust...
Hi my Name is Florian aka FluffyPhil and i´m from Germany,
before a few weeks i explore the Competitive Pokemon Play for me and it would be very nice if i could collect tons of experience at these pokemon side.
Welcome to the forum :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
nice to have u :D
Welcome bruv
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
Welcome aboard.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
Hope you have an AMAZING FANTABULOUS TIME HERE like I have...
Welcome fellow German! (Yeah, I live there too!)
Hope you enjoy your stay.
I am afraid to mention that the presence of possible emergency exits simply doesn't exist in this forum.
However.... If you've got any questions, please feel free to ask (:
Welcome to the Site
Thank you buddys

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