All of your Pokemon can hold items, as long as they aren't holding the same item.
About your team -- I know you don't want to use Tyranitar (I completely understand :D) but you have three physical tanks and three glass cannons, so you might want to add a special tank to switch into Nagandel, Lele, and the likes.
Another thing -- some of your Natures are off (if you need help breeding, I'm bored :D) like on Lucario (Jolly is +Spe -SAtk) and Scizor (I don't know if you want it on Relaxed or not since you have max Spe EVs)
Also, are you giving Scizor or Swampert a Mega Stone (That's allowed, right? I haven't played comp in USUM yet)
Other than those minor suggestions, I think you've got a pretty good team for singles or doubles. MB Espeon can really shake up any team, and Gengar is a strong pick (besides, Hex + any of the many statuses your team can give one of them is deadly). And personally, Togekiss and Scizor are two of my Favorite mons!!!!! :D Good luck!
Do Not's:
- 250 EVs are meaningless, as 248 provide the same benefit;
- Tbolt Swampert;
- Ice Punch over Ice Beam when your pokèmon's nature doesn't decrease SpA;
- Using EVs to increase a stat wich is decreased by the nature; (referred to Relaxed Scizor with 252 EVs in Spe)
- Silver Wind;
- Future Shock;
- Hex and Shadow Ball in the same moveset.
- Tell us what tier you are interested in;
- Love Ttar.
Thank you for your help to all so far, it was very insightful, I have taken everything into consideration.
So I have jumbled some things around and made some changes so let's try this:
Swampert will hold Ice plate. (Powers up "Ice Punch") Ev's will change to 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 Speed
Scizor I'll give Adamant Nature and will hold Mega Stone
Togekiss will hold Leftovers
Espeon gets Shell Bell
Lucario, How bout Timid nature and holding Expert Belt
As for Gengar. I'm swapping "Shadow Ball for Shadow Claw." I love the crit. Hit ratio and it just makes sense if SP Def is already lowered.
(Nov 28, 2017, 02:38 PM)Jericho Wrote: And I will be looking at either UU or OU
We can't give you exact advice without knowing exactely for what tier this team has to be prepared for, so pick just one.
Regardless of the tier, Claydol sucks in both UU and OU, Gengar is a horrible Shadow Claw user and Swampert need Leftovers as it's its only way to recover HP apart from ChestoRest and ResTalk, wich are both terrible for this pokèmon.
Gengar: Ability - ???, Nature - Timid, Ev's - 92 HP, 164 SP Atk, 252 Speed Hold Item - Life Orb
Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Hex, Destiny Bond
I heard Gengar Got his levitate ability taken away
I turned Espeon into A Baton pssser
Adopted Tyranitar and made him A beast
Took swords dance away from Scizor. He's more of A late game cleaner so I gave him Aerial Ace for decent coverage, plus it never misses
Swampert now has damp. I took out Tbolt and put in stealth rock. Sassy nature works well with scald. And Ice Beam over Ice Punch.
I fixed everyone's nature And ev's, and I'm feeling pretty good about this
OK so most of your pokemon are not able to be in the UU tier. These are: Mega Scizor, Tyranitar, and Gengar so those would need to be replaced.
I suggest changing some of the EVs on your Swampert as only Earthquake is benefiting from those 16 attack Evs and the curse attack boost. You should either make it a special varient by changing EQ with Earth Power.
For Lucario you may want to switch your Expert Belt item for a different one as although the boost given is helpful, it is still not a large amount to stack up the damage against your opponent. Also you might want to add Flash Cannon over Psychic for better coverage as most of the moves Psychic is good against are also covered by Dark Pulse aside from Poision which can not effect Lucario thanks to its steel type.
I also want to mention that you should look in to using Pokemon showdown to help plan out some of these members as it also has item and move suggestions for each pokemon.
(Nov 30, 2017, 09:22 PM)FireTaco Wrote: OK so most of your pokemon are not able to be in the UU tier. These are: Mega Scizor, Tyranitar, and Gengar so those would need to be replaced.
I suggest changing some of the EVs on your Swampert as only Earthquake is benefiting from those 16 attack Evs and the curse attack boost. You should either make it a special varient by changing EQ with Earth Power.
For Lucario you may want to switch your Expert Belt item for a different one as although the boost given is helpful, it is still not a large amount to stack up the damage against your opponent. Also you might want to add Flash Cannon over Psychic for better coverage as most of the moves Psychic is good against are also covered by Dark Pulse aside from Poision which can not effect Lucario thanks to its steel type.
I also want to mention that you should look in to using Pokemon showdown to help plan out some of these members as it also has item and move suggestions for each pokemon.
Good Luck working with this team,
~ FireTaco
Ok, I will defiantly work on this, thank you for the very helpful advice. Is their maybe A page where I can see who is allowed I uu, so I can start looking for suitable replacements. What If I put the 16 extra in def?
Ok, now for some more detailed explanations. First up is Swampert. See, although 110 Attack SOUNDS amazing, Swampert's role better lies in being a Defensive tank. Swampert's most reliable recovery is Leftovers, so this should be your item of choice. Now the Nature works well, but the EV Spread doesn't fit. A better spread is 240 HP, 16 Def and 252 Sp.Def with a Sassy Nature. You don't need any Attack investment whatsoever as I previously stated Swampert is a better defensive tank. The moveset that you have, I think, can look a little like this: Scald, Roar, Stealth Rock and Earthquake. Curse is never able to find a good slot as Scald is needed to Burn opponents, Earthquake is Swampert's best Physical attack, Stealth Rock is a must on this set and Roar is used to switch opponents out. Roar can be replaced with Toxic if you prefer residual damage.
Read this while I write out the others ^^ @Jericho