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Hello everyone! PogChamp  tjfJsweg What is up! Glad to be here on this forum and excited to see what comes here! First forum i am actually going to try and be active on!  tjfPizza Smile
welcome to the forums, hope you have a blast around here and find some topics that you enjoy. Happy Foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Welcome Blue! Hope to see you active on the JFlynn Forum!
° Replay Mod ° Pokemon Master ° Powersaver/Cloner & Breeder °  

 #TeamReplay since January 2014

> Batman <

Will try to be thanks!Smile tjfBlame  tjfPizza  Heart
Hey, I remember seeing you in the chat! Welcome to the Forums :D
(Oct 4, 2014, 10:14 PM)MyCabbages Wrote: Hey, I remember seeing you in the chat! Welcome to the Forums :D

Good I'm glad you remember me! :D
Hey Blueon!
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi

Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.

(Oct 5, 2014, 03:13 PM)Skarric Wrote: Hey Blueon!

Hey Skarric! :D
hey blueon welcome to the forums glad to have you here! Smile
RIP Satoru Iwata. 1959-2015. The world won't be the same without you!
(Oct 6, 2014, 05:56 AM)Insomniac1986 Wrote: hey blueon welcome to the forums glad to have you here! Smile

Thanks man! Smile

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