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Hey Everybody
Hey everybody, I'm Kyle A.K.A. ItalianG62 and it's great to be apart of such an amazing community ( I honestly don't even remember how long I've been here, I just remember that I first subscribed back in early April since Justin's streams really helped me through a rough time during school). I guess the best way to describe myself is that I'm super big into Videos Games, (Favorites include: Pokemon, Smash Bros/Any Mario game, Skyrim, Kirby Air Ride) Card Games (Favorites include: Yugioh, Pokemon, Hearthstone, and Future Card Buddyfight), Anime/Manga (Favorites include: AoT, Kill la Kill, Date a Live).

I'm going to college to study I.T. so if anyone has any questions regarding any I.T. related stuff then feel free to ask. I would love to play some games with you guys in the future, I'll leave some of my gamer info at the bottom of this post. Hope to meet a lot of amazing people here and to learn a lot about competitive battling and other various things.  Smile

Friend Code/Trainer name/ Mii Name: 3265-5187-6114/Kurumu/Kyle
Hearthstone: ItalianG62
Steam: ItalianG62
MiiVerse: ItalianG62

P.S. I also have Powersaves, so if you need anything done with Powersaves, I would be more than happy to help.
glad to see you around and how much the community helped you, have fun around the forums and happy foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
welcome broski cant wait to see you more around the forums
Oh I definitely plan to be very active within the forums since out of all the ones I"m currently apart of, this one seems to be the best type of environment. (it'll also help me in my goal in being more active within the stream chat too)
Wassup Italian!
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix
Welcome ItalianG62 hope to see you around more

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