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How do you stay motivated Shiny hunting/SRing?
So I'm going to start shiny hunting on OR/AS soon, as I'm just beating the Elite Four, whilst doing that I've been watching a lot of streamers play, and I wondered how people keep themselves motivated hunting. I've done a lot of it in past games, and I find streaming and speaking with people whilst doing it helps, and I'm just wondering what you guys do to keep yourself going? Smile
Also, as an extra question, how many shiny Pokemon have you managed to net yourself? Smile
Think of shinies as trophies for your long and hard work, especially enduring over 2000+ SR's for a shiny Legendary. The shiny poke will be more rewarding if you worked hard for it.
How long does a 2000 SR usually take you A Moody Bidoof?
Usually like a week or two...
I play up-beat music while I do it. But then I rage and stop doing it after 6 days of nothing.
I listen to Lets Fighting Love from South Park on loop while doing it XD

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