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How's is goin?
Howdy folks. My name is Robert, and I've been playing the Pokemanz since the 3rd grade (that's when it first came out here in the states). I've played every generation, but if I had to say which particular game was my favorite, it would HAVE to be silver/gold. I don't know what it is about that particular game, but it is by far my favorite gen to play. My favorite type of pokemon are ghosts, and as such, it's no surprise that pokemon like Gengar and Chandelure are on top of my favorite pokemon list. I'm a decent battler, only really getting into the competitive scene late gen 5, but I'm getting better the more I battle. I'm super excited about ORAS coming out within the month (as I've already pre-ordered my copy of Alpha Sapphire) and am really loving the new megas (no mega Flygon though D: .....). If there's anything I can help with, just drop me a PM and I'll try to help to the best of my ability. Till then, cya on the forums (also, GREAT design and layout btw)!
Welcome to the Forums Amaki Smile
Yo Amaki! Welcome to the site. My favorite generation was gen III. I loved the new features like abilities and contests and the trumpets too of course. What do you like do do in the games? Trade? Breed? Battle?
Welcome to the forums. Gen 4 will always be my favorite generation due mostly to the legendaries and the soundtrack Smile
Welcome to the forums Robert, have fun and happy foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Hey Amaki, Welcome to the forums! My favorite gen is Gen III. Ruby was my first Pokemon game and will always hold a special place in my heart.
@Joushou I really like breeding and battling. Although lately I've been way too lax in my breeding, so I have like 20+ mons I want to breed. XD Most of my stuff comes from Wonder Trading. You'll be amazed how much stuff you actually get from it. Half he things I DO have bred have came from there. Lol
hey amaki, welcome ^^
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix
Welcome to the forums, Amaki! gengar and chandy are some of my favorites too <3
Main/Replay Mod
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Cute Charm
Move of choice: Sketch

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