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I'm back (again)
After two straight weeks of constant stress, working my butt off until 11:30 at night, perfecting the art of presenting in front a panel audiences and perfecting the choreography of Footloose, I am now once again back. That's right, I'm back. And I have no intention of leaving again, I really missed posting on this community and being engaged with people. I have posted from time to time, but I know I still missed out on alot. So hello to all the new users that have joined over the past two weeks.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
Hey man! I just joined today, but I'm glad you're back! :D If you're looking for a chill guy to talk to and answer few of my questions, as I'm new in game, feel free to add me on skype, as I have no idea how friends thingy ingame works. Have a nice day Smile
Welcome back to the forums Pritchman. Most people seem to be busy with their own personal stuff so I'm not going to judge anyone since that comes first. Meantime not much has changed since the forum is still mostly trading and discussion when we have active threads. Otherwise welcome aboard.

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