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[IMPORTANT] Comment or 1000 years of bad luck + Rogue punches you in the face.
What I love about this forum is the community. For years I've always wanted to join one and talk to people about what we all here love,  but I've always been intimidated by people online. I was always a lurker and found myself reading new and old threads on various things, and what I saw kept me away from ever joining. On sites like serebii, marriland, and smogon, I would see threads get out of hand in really unnecessary ways, such as putting people down for their opinions or lack of knowledge (not to mention egos trying to best each other). I finally decided to check this site out after hearing about it from Justin for so long, and I decided to try. You guys are so nice and care about each other, it puts me at ease know that this is a safe environment compared to the bigger sites. Also its not just battling, but breeding as well among other things! As an avid breeder who loves what they do, its so awesome being able to express that love with other breeders; I don't have to be completely invested in competitive battling to have a good time. Also I feel that if I decided to ask for help or contribute to a competitive discussion, I wouldn't be shut down and you guys would assist me nicely. I always look forward to coming on and making new friends, and participating in giveaways (both receiving and collaborating with others to lend a hand). I appreciate every one of you and feel at home here, it may be small but that's not a bad thing when the quality is so great  Smile  The only thing that keeps me from coming online is really just lack of time, or if I'm on a hiatus from pokemon (which I'm just coming back from Wink ). Really there's nothing I could think of that could improve my experience.

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RE: Comment or 1000 years of bad luck + Rogue punches you in the face. - by Nimthiel - Oct 31, 2015, 08:23 PM

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