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[IMPORTANT] December Meet & Greet - Time for a Christmas Treat!
[Image: Christmas_Bash_cover.png]

G'day all, it's @Kris here bringing back the old Meet and Greet post. Merry Christmas everyone, it's about that jolly time of the year again!

If you're a new face who stumbled onto the forum, allow me to formerly welcome you to the site. And for everyone who is familiar with how this goes, what's up! Back in my day, we'd post these Meet and Greet threads every month or so, (or whenever we remembered.....) so with Sword and Shield out, and us becoming more active, I figure it's time to bring it back! At least for as long as we remember. We host these as a means to get new members to come and introduce themselves and to get people lurking, out of lurking! If ou have anny troubles or questions, always feel free to hit up the staff with a PM. That is myself, @stephenWITNESS , @FireTaco , @0kamii , @Tenebris_Kane , @Agro and of course, the main man himself @/Justin. (not tagged here out of respect, uwu)
[Image: icon-delibird.png] [Image: icon-hydreigon.png] [Image: icon-stantler.png]

Featured This Month!
[Image: icon-corsola.png] [Image: icon-larvitar.png] [Image: icon-gengar.png]

Getting Started on The Forum:
[Image: icon-charizard.png] [Image: icon-lapras.png] [Image: icon-mimikyu.png]

Share With Us!

Here's where I get to ask you some questions to get the Discussion started, join in and have some fun! 
  • Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
My favourite is probably Corsola for it's new competitive usage!
  • The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
My favourite was easily Dragon Quest XI! It was my first Dragon Quest game, and it was an amazing experience!
  • While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
I would have said Diamond and Pearl remakes if you asked me eariler, but I can't help but wonder how a sequel, or a prequel, of Sword and Shield would look like. I'd like to see more of Galar!

Turn the Tables!

Now it's your turn, tag a member with their @ and ask them a question of your own! Mine will be for @FireTaco "How's it going?"

With that, I'm done here but make sure to come and join the discussion. We look forward to talking with you soon!
Thanks for all the good times~

  1. Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
    I'm not sure I have a favourite to be honest. I do know that as a fellow bearded being, I do appreciate Galarian Meowth.

  2. The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
    Honestly, Pokemon Sword and Shield are really top notch games. Other really good ones released this year to be of note are Luigi's Mansion, Man of Medan, and Death Stranding looks interesting to say the least.

  3. While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
    I want breeding to be more customizable again. Egg moves got hugely nerfed and therefore a lot of the breeds are the same. I want to be able to do more again in my favourite mechanic of the game.

@Typhlosion777! As one of the new members, what brought you here and what do you think will keep you here?
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
HUUUUUGE shout out to @Kris for gifting us with this amazing meet and greet. Nice to see the old format again :D

Share With Us!

Here's where I get to ask you some questions to get the Discussion started, join in and have some fun! 
  • Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
Honestly so far I think it has to be Corsola too. I love that it's a ghost type which I never expected and think it just look pretty cool in general!
  • The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
Weeeeeeeeeel I haven't played any games that were released in 2019 apart from Sword so that's probably it lol.
  • While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
Remakes would be really nice. I just hope that whatever Gamefreak has planned isn't rushed. Id rather wait 2-3 years for new games with more and better content rather that they continue their new game every year thing they've been doing since sun and moon........not that i don't like the new games, just really don't want them to have that slight rushed out feeling sword and shield have.
Turn the Tables!

@Newdll can you give me any tips for carrying a bronze Ana main that can't sleep a hamster?? .....i'm asking for a friend Kappa
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
  • Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
Honestly, I absolutely adore every one of them!! But Corsola has a special place inn mmy heart. I will forever love my ghost types~! Heart
  • The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
I havent played any of the nnew games from 2019 (aside from the Overwatch port!!) So Shield may be my pick.
  • While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
I really want a reamake for Diamond and Pearl. I really REALLY want that remake.. but somethig in my gut is saying that we mmay get gen 2 remakes,, or even a whole sequel for SwSh.. Considering there's unnused uniforms for the gym challenges. They may do a Black/White repeat.. But I really hope they keep my Diamond and Pearl.

  • Generation 8 gave us Galarian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
Galarian Weezing is cool... Its got a neat ability that I'll be sure to mess around with in VGC. I'm looking to use it on my Trick Room team (edition three, baby!).
  • The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
Uhhhh.. SWSH? I haven't played many new games. Heck, SWSH probably is the only game I've played this year that wasn't released in 2017 at newest. I got my Switch late, OK?
  • While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
A full dex.    *BOOM*   It's not gonna happen, but oh well.

@stephenWITNESS What's a bronze Ana main? (Asking for a friend)

@Tenebris_Kane Hey! What's up, old friend? Its good to see you again.

VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
@RetroTyphlosion Psst, do you also play?? Wink Wink If you do, do you play on PC? and if so, lemme add your!!
Q) Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
A) Galarian Weezing, I like the design of chimneys. Smile

Q) The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
A) Been busy the whole year, have not been following gaming in 2019. And FIre Emblem Three Houses looks interesting buy I have not gotten my Switch.

Q) While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
A) I don't want Diamond and Pearl remakes. I want a Platinum remake, DP has terrible pacing. My biggest complaints with Sinnoh games is the number of HMs but Nintendo has fixed this problem in Gen 7.
Another option is complete Kalos. Kalos region feel very incomplete when I first played XY many years ago~
What is a signature and how do I get one?
  • Generation 8 gave us Galrian Forms for quite a few Pokemon, I like a lot of them, but what's your Favourite?
Galarian Meowth. Has a sick evo aswell
  • The Game Awards is coming up this month, exciting! What was your favourite game of 2019?
I actually haven't played any 2019 games. I bought a few this year but they were all 2018. The game I played the most this year was Assassins Creed Odyssey. Totally recommend if you have never played a AC game before.
  • While Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, it can't be helped to wonder what is next. That said, what do you want next for the mainline games?
If I could choose the next pokemon game I would want a Kalos remake. Its my favorite region and and a lot of my favorite mons. I know that not happening anytime soon but its fun to imagine. I was hyped when rumors were going around that Kalos would be post game in sw/sh but then I remembered that gamefreak was making these games.
@Newdll Uh... play what?
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
(Dec 5, 2019, 03:35 PM)RetroTyphlosion Wrote: @Newdll Uh... play what?
Ana is a hero from Overwatch.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades

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