Dec 2, 2019, 01:17 PM
Thank you, @0kamii !! Let me know what you need and I'll gladly trade them!
[IMPORTANT] The Official PokémonForever SW/SH Dex Completion Mega Thread!
Dec 2, 2019, 01:17 PM
Thank you, @0kamii !! Let me know what you need and I'll gladly trade them!
Dec 14, 2019, 09:38 PM
ALRIGHT! I HAVE ONLY 18 MONS LEFT UNTIL MY DEX IS COMPLETED. I WOULD LOVE IF I HAD SOME HELP!! Also, I do nnot plan on keeping the mons you trade with me, and as a thank you, I'll let you have a pick of my breedjects, OR from my box of Max Raid Battle mons I got. If you want a list, just ask. (So far I have 5IV Ponyta, 4IV Eevee, and 4IV Mimikyu) **NONE OF THESE MONS HAVE HIDDEN ABILITIES.** I would LOVE the help.
211) Slurpuff (I have the whipped dream) 213) Aromatisse (I have the satchel) 254) Cleffa 256) Cleffable 267) Gothita 268) Gothorita 273) Karrablast 274) Escavlier 275) Shelmet 321) Trapinch 322) Vibrava 356) Wailmer 364) Mime Jr. 374) Dracozolt 377) Arctovish 382) Silvally 389) Goomy 390) Sliggoo
Dec 16, 2019, 03:42 PM
Dec 17, 2019, 11:51 AM
Switch Friend Code: SW-2724-1379-9789
I just need Sobble Drizzile Intelion Lotad Lombre Ludicolo Appletun Slurpuff Croagunk Toxicroak Throh Cottonee Whimsicott Rhyperior Escavalier Accelgor Vullaby Mandibuzz Sableye Mawile Trevenant Oranguru Lunatone Eiscue Goomy Sliggoo Goodra Zamazenta
Dec 18, 2019, 03:56 PM
@wpendragon thank you, but my dex is completed already as of yesterday! I appreciate it very much.
Dec 19, 2019, 09:45 PM
Do you still need help @Dimmsdale? I'd be more than happy to help you complete your Dex. I have SW and SH, so I can provide you with anything you need.
Let me know and we'll organize a trade time through our Discord server. - 0kamii Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder
Jan 2, 2020, 10:23 PM
Currently trying to complete my Pokédex for Shield and only need (preferrably in eggs):
Passimian (Sword) Drampa (Shield) I am willing to trade whatever Pokémon that you need to fill your Dex, if I have it, that is! Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Jan 15, 2020, 07:10 AM
Currently need:
Appletun Whimsicott Sableye (V) Mawile (V) Drampa (V) Turtonator (V) Frosmoth Dracozolt Arctovish Silvally Zamazenta (v) Any trades or touch trades would be fantastic! |
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#62 Poliwrath![]() |
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