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[IMPORTANT] The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat
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Welcome to the Pokemon Forever monthly meet and greet! With this series we welcome discussion between all members and hopefully encourage some of the more quiet members to come out of the shadows and take a bigger part in our community! There's a lot to be excited for in the Pokemon community at the moment. With the up incoming re-release of Pokemon Gold and Silver on the 3ds and only another two months to wait until Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon come out! As usual, if you have any issues, questions or requests, or would like to have a thread featured in next months meet and greet, make sure to to get in touch with one of the mods @stephenWITNESS or @Unit501 or one of our wonderful Kahunas @0kamii or @FireTaco.

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This Months Featured Threads:
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Our Trading Fourms are full of helpful trainers so make sure to visit if you need help obtaining certain Pokemon or just like to trade!

Why not stop by our Giveway Forums. You Might find some nice Pokemon there!

Make sure to give rep users that you have successfully traded with!

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Share With Us!
  • Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver? It's definitely Silver for me because nostalgia.
  • What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon? Personally I'd love to see follower Pokemon make a return. But a man can dream...
  • What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play? I've been playing a lot of the 3ds remaster of Dragon Quest 8 lately. If you can get your hands on a copy, or even the original PS2 version, you should definitely give it a shot!
  • Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?
  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question! @wartty I think Nidoqueen is better. You mad?

If you don't want to answer the questions just introduce yourself and say hi, we don't bite! Just try to have fun and maybe make some new friends along the way. See you next month!
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
what will october be, spooktactular surprise?
lol jk it has to rhyme
[*]Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver? Gold Version because Ho-oh
[*]What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon? I want Triple Battles back
[*]What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play? I think I'd have to recommend Fire Emblem Awakening, if you're new to the series, Awakening is a great option to get you started, fantastic story and memorable characters.
[*]Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site? I think it'd be a good idea to have a Pokemon Showdown ID Master Thread
[*]Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question! Ok, @Sharkfang2193 you're up. What, if any, is you're favorite anime?

Ty for the plug.
@Reis The October Meet and Greet - Time To Trick Or Treat
Thanks for all the good times~
Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver? I wanted Crystal, ohwell, bought gold i think

What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon?
Vs Seeker upgraded version and more rivallssss, i played years ago different kind of romhacks and loved some with unique rivals that came in surprise, i hope they do something like that also in new games+ extra region like the old games gold/silver/crystal visiting Kanto for gym badges 16.

What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play?
Ever oasis(though i have yet to start it) Dragon quest monster joker, persona for ps vita(with a lot of mystery and a good/epic intro of a monster appearing first time)

Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?
Hmm, i was thinking if was possible to add more sections in different parts, i saw some sites that have these things similiar ways and have like everyday 1000 guests)
in other words: something like having each section of pokemon in division, like ''pokemon gen 6 generation trade'' and pokemon generation 5'' etc, and in other sections below some fun games unique that will help people know how fun this site is and nice etc. (i'm now in sleep mode so i can't think of much right now, but yeah this is kind of idea what i got for now, hope it helps)

Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question! @Kris what is your favorite anime?(my action/romance or supernatural/rom)
MEOW :3 
My Turn  Big Grin

1. Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver?
     I'm most likely no going to end up getting it as I would be spending all my money on USUM, but if I do get it, it would most likely be Silver, cause my favorite ground type Phanpy is in it.

2. What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon?
Having Dex Nav working with it so you could find new rare pokemon in the after game is much better than the island scan function thing

3. What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play?
I never really play other games cause I'm usually swamped with work, but I will never turn down a game of Just Dance  Tongue

4.  Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?  
Hopefully, I will be able to host a tournament this month so that might be something to look forwards to ( Hopefully ).


You know what, @PerchPond You're up Next

Do you have a Shiny Corsola yourself?
Share With Us!
  • Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver?
    I actually don't plan on getting the virtual console. The graphic quality messes with my head. I got a migraine last time I fiddled with that. But I'm sure I'll see plenty of my friends playing it.

  • What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon?
    Aside from pokémon following you, I want them to fix Battle Royal. Ending it after one player loses all their mons is SOOOOO bad. Nintendo! Hear our plead! Fix our FFA mode!

  • What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play?
    Why, Okami of course! My namesake isn't for show! It's a beautiful game, and terribly underrated. It's not particularly hard to find either because of all the unsold copies after its debut launch. Find your version and play through Nippon in the most stunning art style, interact with fun characters, and play the role of the goddess Amaterasu as she defends her people from the darkness consuming her land!  Big Grin

  • Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?
    I still think a thread specifically for International Trades is a good idea. Make of that what you will.

  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!
    I'm used to @-ing people, so today I think I'll @ user @PiaStark. Your question is:

    Do you prefer battling in Singles, Doubles, Triples, or Rotation, and why? I'm a Doubles man myself.
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@Drangor2 My favorite anime used to Fruits Basket until I saw Re ZERO, so I'm mostly into romantic stories with a lot of action [even though Fruits Basket isn't the most action packed anime]
Thanks for all the good times~
Thanks for the question @Kris it's right up my alley Big Grin so i can't choose1 out of the hundreds i seen so I'll choose 5.
# 5HyoukaGreat animation,story and overall characters.

# 4Black Cat Loved the manga and anime.

# 3 DurararaSimply amazing story and killer op and ed.

# 2 Ao Haru Ride GF made me watch with her and i actually enjoyed it.

# 1 Fairy Tail Hate me if you want to but i absolutely loved the manga and anime and i look forward to Hiro's next work.

Let's see my question is for @gkh1997 and itsWhat's you're top 3 manga to read.
Enjoy Big Grin
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
Thanks for the tag @FireTaco  Blush I actually do have a shiny Corsola in a Dive Ball that I caught in the Friend Safari in Pokémon X Big Grin It's really pretty, but considering it's garbage in battle, it just chills in the PC.

Okay, here I go.

Which version - Silver or Gold? I actually already bought both Rolleyes Imma do a playthrough on Silver first, then do a TradeEvolution-based team on Gold because I have 2 3ds's, and I had no Pokemon friends to trade with as a kid so I wanna catch up on what I've missed (QQ)

New feature in USUM? Fossil. Park. Get. Shiny. Tyrantrum. In. Moon Ball...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Non-Pokemon game to suggest? I like RPG's, so if you are into Star Wars, I recommend the original Knights of the Old Republic games. If not, then I recommend Pillars of Eternity, as it's a really immersive fantasy RPG. Strategy-games also appeal to me, where Shogun 2 with mods is my favorite.

Suggestions for the site: Stay frosty. Jk, I think it's fine as it is, hopefully more people will get active with USUM, cause now giveaways seems to be the reason most people come here. Just keep making discussion-topics and such.

Question-time! I ask you @Chansey, why Chansey out of all the 802 or so Pokémon? Blush
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
(Sep 19, 2017, 06:44 AM)PerchPond Wrote: Thanks for the tag @FireTaco  Blush I actually do have a shiny Corsola in a Dive Ball that I caught in the Friend Safari in Pokémon X Big Grin It's really pretty, but considering it's garbage in battle, it just chills in the PC.

Okay, here I go.

Which version - Silver or Gold? I actually already bought both Rolleyes Imma do a playthrough on Silver first, then do a TradeEvolution-based team on Gold because I have 2 3ds's, and I had no Pokemon friends to trade with as a kid so I wanna catch up on what I've missed (QQ)

New feature in USUM? Fossil. Park. Get. Shiny. Tyrantrum. In. Moon Ball...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Non-Pokemon game to suggest? I like RPG's, so if you are into Star Wars, I recommend the original Knights of the Old Republic games. If not, then I recommend Pillars of Eternity, as it's a really immersive fantasy RPG. Strategy-games also appeal to me, where Shogun 2 with mods is my favorite.

Suggestions for the site: Stay frosty. Jk, I think it's fine as it is, hopefully more people will get active with USUM, cause now giveaways seems to be the reason most people come here. Just keep making discussion-topics and such.

Question-time! I ask you @Chansey, why Chansey out of all the 802 or so Pokémon? Blush

Chansey is a sweet happy little easter bunny who loves to raise baby Pokemon, is a nurturing healer with heal bell and softboiled, was really difficult to catch and rare in the old games, is a bit based on the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland  (Nurse Joy even wears a pink version of her outfit,) it works at a veterinarian's office (something I'd someday like to do,) it evolves based on happiness which is really cute, it has a happy dopey cute little face, it's sort of stupid (at least the ones in the anime sometimes seem to be,) it has a cute pastel color scheme, and in the game Blissey can WRECK other people's teams with its low defense + high hp by using Counter.  It's been a bit nerfed since gen2 but back then it was one of the best on my team: my sister named it "the six-eared pink bunny of death."  Also, easter.  I think it's sort of cute that in gen2, we have 3 new Pokemon (Blissey, Ampharos, and Delibird) with basically Christian design themes. (Ampharos is less obvious, but the motif of lights/guiding lights/lighthouses plus also sheep is traditionally symbolic of Christianity in art and things.  And is literally a lighthouse sheep.  Might be a coincidence, might not be.  Who knows. But it's cute and fluffy and was always on my team back in gold so I'd like it either way.)

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