Insanity's Trading Post
Work In Progress
Welcome Everyone to my Pokemon Trading Post! Here I will list all of the Pokemon I have for trade and will update this daily, these will mainly be shinies or events but on occasion some may also be regular Pokemon or Legendaries with high IV's.
If you are currently looking for some help to evolve your Pokemon then you have come to the right place, not only will I help you evolve it, it's free. I will quite happily supply you with your evolution items you may need. This includes things from dusk stones all the way to mega stones. Sound good? Don't be shy, ask away!
I will also be hosting giveaways and tournaments in the near future (which also come with rewards). Unfortunately I cannot post these here as this is the Trading section of the forum, but be sure to look out for me in other places in the forum, or my profile to keep up to date.
Just before the Pokemon for trade comes up, if you have traded with me before I would really appreciate the +1 rep so I can become a more trusted member of the community, thanks. The favour will be returned.
Note: You are allowed to reserve Pokemon here if we come to an agreement, so please DO NOT offer on reserved Pokemon. The reserved Pokemon will stay so for a maximum of two weeks. Then they will be put up for trade again so I can keep the flow of the shop going.
For Trade:
Pichu, Level 1, 4IV(-Att,-Def), Ability: Static, Thunder Shock, Charm, Thunder Wave
Steelix, Level 20, 1IV (+Def), Ability: Rock Head, Rage, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Gyro Ball
Scraggy, Level 5, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Moxie, Leer, Low Kick, Sand Attack
Omanyte, Level 20, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Shell Armor, Bite, Water Gun, Rollout, Leer
Pansear, Level 4, 1IV(+HP), Ability: Gluttony, Scratch, Play Nice, Leer
Skrelp, Level 25, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Posion Point, Acid, Camouflage, Posion Tail, Water Pulse
Bibarel, Level 30, 2IV(+HP,+Def), Ability: Simple, Water Gun, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Yawn
Oddish, Level 11, 2IV(+HP,+SpA), Ability: Chlorophyll, Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid
Pidgey, Level 4, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Keen Eye, Tackle
Dugtrio, Level 28, 1IV(+HP), Ability: Sand Veil, Bulldoze, Sucker Punch, Sand Tomb, Mud Bomb
Pachirisu, Level 30, 2IV(+Def+SpD), Ability: Run Away, Nuzzle, Swift, Electro Ball, Sweet Kiss
Whismur, Level 7, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Soundproof, Pound, Uproar
Wishcash, Level 36, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Anticipation, Snore, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Muddy Water
Seaking. Level 34, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Water Veil, Supersonic, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse, Fury Attack (Pokerus)
Spiritomb, Level 39, 2IV(+Att,+Def), Ability: Pressure, Feint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Ominous Wind
Dunsparce, Level 30, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Rattled, Ancient Power, Take Down, Roost, Glare
Ditto, Level 48, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Limber, Transform
Dwebble, Level 30, 2IV (+SpA,+Spe) Ability: Shell Armor, Rock Polish, Bug Bite, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide
Shellos, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Sticky Hold, Ice Beam, Scald, Mirror Coat, Toxic (Pokerus)
Smeargle, Level 100, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Own Tempo, Spore, Sticky Web, Mirror Coat, Counter
Weavile, Level 100, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Pressure, Dark Pulse, Punishment, Hone Claws, Beat Up
Crawdaunt, Level 46, 2IV(+Def,+SpD), Ability: Hyper Cutter, Bubble Beam, Razor Shell, Crabhammer, Vice Grip
Phione, Level 1, 4IV(-HP,-Att), Ability: Hydration, Bubble, Water Spout
(Possibly traded)Magikarp, Level 15, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Swift Swim, Splash, Tackle
Blastoise, Level 100, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Torrent, Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Strength
Honedge, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: No Guard, Autotomize, Shadow Sneak, Aerial Ace, Retaliate
Tentacruel, Level 35, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Liquid Ooze, Acid Spray, Bubble Beam, Barrier, Poison Jab
Lucario, Level 100, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Power-Up Punch, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush (Pokerus)
Magikarp, Level 1, 4IV(-SpA,-SpD), Ability: Rattled, Splash
Delphox, Level 64, 1IV(+SpD), Ability: Blaze, Cut, Psychic, Power-Up Punch, Fire Blast
Beldum, Level 1, 2IV(+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Take Down
Sceptile, Level 49, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Overgrow, Rock Smash, Dual Chop, Mega Drain, Strength
Magikarp, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Rattled, Splash
Togepi, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Hustle, Growl, Charm
Turtwig, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Overgrow, Tackle
Pikachu, Level 30, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Static, Feint, Double Team, Spark, Nuzzle
Wingull, Level 2, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Keen Eye, Growl, Water Gun
Castform, Level 40, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Forecast, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball
Palkia, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+SpD), Ability: Pressure, Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Spacial Rend, Hydro Pump
Kyurem, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+Spe), Ability: Pressure, Dragon Breath, Slash, Scary Face, Glaciate
Heatran, Level 50, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Flash Fire, Metal Sound, Crunch, Scary Face, Lava Plume
Reshiram, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+Spe), Ability: Turboblaze, Dragon Breath, Slash, Extrasensory, Fusion Flare
Giratina, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+SpA), Ability: Pressure, Aura Sphere, Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Hex
Regice, Level 40, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Bulldoze, Curse, Ancient Power, Amnesia
Ho-oh, Level 50, 3IV(+SpA,+SpD,+Spe), Ability: Pressure, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Sacred Fire, Punishment
Azelf, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+Spe), Ability: Levitate, Uproar, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory
Tornadus, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Def,+Spe), Ability: Prankster, Extrasensory, Agility, Air Slash, Crunch
Registeel, Level 40, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+SpA), Ability: Clear Body, Curse, Ancient Power, Iron Defense, Amnesia
Landorus, Level 50, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Sand Force, Extrasensory, Swords Dance, Earth Power, Rock Slide
Entei, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+SpA,+SpD), Ability: Pressure, Stomp, Flamethrower, Swagger, Fire Fang
Regirock, Level 40, (+HP,+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Bulldoze, Curse, Ancient Power, Iron Defense
Persian, Level 48, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Technician, Pay Day, Feint Attack, Bite, Slash
Breeding/Shiny Hunting Service
Yes that's right, I also am doing a breeding/shiny hunting service. This is majorly in development, if you would like anything to be shiny hunted then make sure to TAG ME so I won't ever miss your request. I only work at one person at a time to keep track on what I am doing when, I may also be busy as I do have a social life. If I am busy I will state so.
The breeding service is currently available. I have nearly every Pokemons Hidden Ability in the game, so if there is anything you need in particular, don't hesitate to ask! I can supply you with Egg Moves and whatever else you may want.
How these will work:
Post on this thread the following:
Service: (Shiny/Breeding)
Pokemon: (Name Of Pokemon)
Nickname?: (Yes/No) (Nickname/N/A)
Egg Moves: (Yes/No) (List of egg moves/N/A)
Ability: (Name Of Wanted Ability)
IV's : (Number of Perfect IV's) (For shiny breeding will be from 4-6IV randomly)
Nature: (Preferred Nature)
Gender: (Preferred Gender)
Prices: Breeding Service Shiny Service
Under 2000 Taking Offers 2 Shiny/Event
2001-5000 Taking Offers 2 Shiny/Event
5001 - 8000 Taking Offers 1 5-6IV Shiny
8001 - 10000 Taking Offers 1 Shiny Legendary
10000+ Taking Offers 1 Shiny Legendary
Note: These services may take up to a week to accomplish, as it can vary in length due to luck and I only work on one person at a time. This will usually only take 2 days.
Looking For:
-Other Shinies
-High IV Legendary Pokemon
-Event Pokemon (Such as rayquaza with V-Create)
-Shiny Unown
-Burmy or Wormadam (Trash Or Sandy only) (must be in a regular Pokeball)
-East Sea Shellos (must be in a regular Pokeball)
I will ALWAYS respond to you and try my best to set up a good trade within 24 hours. Some trades may take longer to negotiate (most likely to time-zone difficulties).
Current Successful Trades: 17
Milestones: 50,100,200,300,400,500
Every Milestone = A Giveaway!
I hope you've seen something you liked, if not, be sure to let me know what this thread is missing so I can improve it. Please also remember this is currently a work in progress, not everything has been thoroughly looked through yet so it may not all be accurate or in the neatest fashion, thanks for your patience.
Work In Progress
Welcome Everyone to my Pokemon Trading Post! Here I will list all of the Pokemon I have for trade and will update this daily, these will mainly be shinies or events but on occasion some may also be regular Pokemon or Legendaries with high IV's.
If you are currently looking for some help to evolve your Pokemon then you have come to the right place, not only will I help you evolve it, it's free. I will quite happily supply you with your evolution items you may need. This includes things from dusk stones all the way to mega stones. Sound good? Don't be shy, ask away!
I will also be hosting giveaways and tournaments in the near future (which also come with rewards). Unfortunately I cannot post these here as this is the Trading section of the forum, but be sure to look out for me in other places in the forum, or my profile to keep up to date.
Just before the Pokemon for trade comes up, if you have traded with me before I would really appreciate the +1 rep so I can become a more trusted member of the community, thanks. The favour will be returned.
Note: You are allowed to reserve Pokemon here if we come to an agreement, so please DO NOT offer on reserved Pokemon. The reserved Pokemon will stay so for a maximum of two weeks. Then they will be put up for trade again so I can keep the flow of the shop going.
For Trade:
Pichu, Level 1, 4IV(-Att,-Def), Ability: Static, Thunder Shock, Charm, Thunder Wave
Steelix, Level 20, 1IV (+Def), Ability: Rock Head, Rage, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Gyro Ball
Scraggy, Level 5, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Moxie, Leer, Low Kick, Sand Attack
Omanyte, Level 20, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Shell Armor, Bite, Water Gun, Rollout, Leer
Pansear, Level 4, 1IV(+HP), Ability: Gluttony, Scratch, Play Nice, Leer
Skrelp, Level 25, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Posion Point, Acid, Camouflage, Posion Tail, Water Pulse
Bibarel, Level 30, 2IV(+HP,+Def), Ability: Simple, Water Gun, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Yawn
Oddish, Level 11, 2IV(+HP,+SpA), Ability: Chlorophyll, Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid
Pidgey, Level 4, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Keen Eye, Tackle
Dugtrio, Level 28, 1IV(+HP), Ability: Sand Veil, Bulldoze, Sucker Punch, Sand Tomb, Mud Bomb
Pachirisu, Level 30, 2IV(+Def+SpD), Ability: Run Away, Nuzzle, Swift, Electro Ball, Sweet Kiss
Whismur, Level 7, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Soundproof, Pound, Uproar
Wishcash, Level 36, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Anticipation, Snore, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Muddy Water
Seaking. Level 34, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Water Veil, Supersonic, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse, Fury Attack (Pokerus)
Spiritomb, Level 39, 2IV(+Att,+Def), Ability: Pressure, Feint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Ominous Wind
Dunsparce, Level 30, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Rattled, Ancient Power, Take Down, Roost, Glare
Ditto, Level 48, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Limber, Transform
Dwebble, Level 30, 2IV (+SpA,+Spe) Ability: Shell Armor, Rock Polish, Bug Bite, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide
Shellos, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Sticky Hold, Ice Beam, Scald, Mirror Coat, Toxic (Pokerus)
Smeargle, Level 100, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Own Tempo, Spore, Sticky Web, Mirror Coat, Counter
Weavile, Level 100, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Pressure, Dark Pulse, Punishment, Hone Claws, Beat Up
Crawdaunt, Level 46, 2IV(+Def,+SpD), Ability: Hyper Cutter, Bubble Beam, Razor Shell, Crabhammer, Vice Grip
Phione, Level 1, 4IV(-HP,-Att), Ability: Hydration, Bubble, Water Spout
(Possibly traded)Magikarp, Level 15, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Swift Swim, Splash, Tackle
Blastoise, Level 100, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Torrent, Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Strength
Honedge, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: No Guard, Autotomize, Shadow Sneak, Aerial Ace, Retaliate
Tentacruel, Level 35, 1IV(+SpA), Ability: Liquid Ooze, Acid Spray, Bubble Beam, Barrier, Poison Jab
Lucario, Level 100, 1IV(+Spe), Ability: Power-Up Punch, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush (Pokerus)
Magikarp, Level 1, 4IV(-SpA,-SpD), Ability: Rattled, Splash
Delphox, Level 64, 1IV(+SpD), Ability: Blaze, Cut, Psychic, Power-Up Punch, Fire Blast
Beldum, Level 1, 2IV(+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Take Down
Sceptile, Level 49, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Overgrow, Rock Smash, Dual Chop, Mega Drain, Strength
Magikarp, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Rattled, Splash
Togepi, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Hustle, Growl, Charm
Turtwig, Level 1, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Overgrow, Tackle
Pikachu, Level 30, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Static, Feint, Double Team, Spark, Nuzzle
Wingull, Level 2, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Keen Eye, Growl, Water Gun
Castform, Level 40, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Forecast, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball
Palkia, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+SpD), Ability: Pressure, Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Spacial Rend, Hydro Pump
Kyurem, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+Spe), Ability: Pressure, Dragon Breath, Slash, Scary Face, Glaciate
Heatran, Level 50, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Flash Fire, Metal Sound, Crunch, Scary Face, Lava Plume
Reshiram, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+Spe), Ability: Turboblaze, Dragon Breath, Slash, Extrasensory, Fusion Flare
Giratina, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+SpA), Ability: Pressure, Aura Sphere, Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Hex
Regice, Level 40, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Bulldoze, Curse, Ancient Power, Amnesia
Ho-oh, Level 50, 3IV(+SpA,+SpD,+Spe), Ability: Pressure, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Sacred Fire, Punishment
Azelf, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+Def,+Spe), Ability: Levitate, Uproar, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory
Tornadus, Level 50, 3IV(+HP,+Def,+Spe), Ability: Prankster, Extrasensory, Agility, Air Slash, Crunch
Registeel, Level 40, 3IV(+HP,+Att,+SpA), Ability: Clear Body, Curse, Ancient Power, Iron Defense, Amnesia
Landorus, Level 50, 3IV(+Def,+SpA,+Spe), Ability: Sand Force, Extrasensory, Swords Dance, Earth Power, Rock Slide
Entei, Level 50, 3IV(+Att,+SpA,+SpD), Ability: Pressure, Stomp, Flamethrower, Swagger, Fire Fang
Regirock, Level 40, (+HP,+Def,+SpD), Ability: Clear Body, Bulldoze, Curse, Ancient Power, Iron Defense
Persian, Level 48, 6IV PERFECT, Ability: Technician, Pay Day, Feint Attack, Bite, Slash
Breeding/Shiny Hunting Service
Yes that's right, I also am doing a breeding/shiny hunting service. This is majorly in development, if you would like anything to be shiny hunted then make sure to TAG ME so I won't ever miss your request. I only work at one person at a time to keep track on what I am doing when, I may also be busy as I do have a social life. If I am busy I will state so.
The breeding service is currently available. I have nearly every Pokemons Hidden Ability in the game, so if there is anything you need in particular, don't hesitate to ask! I can supply you with Egg Moves and whatever else you may want.
How these will work:
Post on this thread the following:
Service: (Shiny/Breeding)
Pokemon: (Name Of Pokemon)
Nickname?: (Yes/No) (Nickname/N/A)
Egg Moves: (Yes/No) (List of egg moves/N/A)
Ability: (Name Of Wanted Ability)
IV's : (Number of Perfect IV's) (For shiny breeding will be from 4-6IV randomly)
Nature: (Preferred Nature)
Gender: (Preferred Gender)
Prices: Breeding Service Shiny Service
Under 2000 Taking Offers 2 Shiny/Event
2001-5000 Taking Offers 2 Shiny/Event
5001 - 8000 Taking Offers 1 5-6IV Shiny
8001 - 10000 Taking Offers 1 Shiny Legendary
10000+ Taking Offers 1 Shiny Legendary
Note: These services may take up to a week to accomplish, as it can vary in length due to luck and I only work on one person at a time. This will usually only take 2 days.
Looking For:
-Other Shinies
-High IV Legendary Pokemon
-Event Pokemon (Such as rayquaza with V-Create)
-Shiny Unown
-Burmy or Wormadam (Trash Or Sandy only) (must be in a regular Pokeball)
-East Sea Shellos (must be in a regular Pokeball)
I will ALWAYS respond to you and try my best to set up a good trade within 24 hours. Some trades may take longer to negotiate (most likely to time-zone difficulties).
Current Successful Trades: 17
Milestones: 50,100,200,300,400,500
Every Milestone = A Giveaway!
I hope you've seen something you liked, if not, be sure to let me know what this thread is missing so I can improve it. Please also remember this is currently a work in progress, not everything has been thoroughly looked through yet so it may not all be accurate or in the neatest fashion, thanks for your patience.
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!
PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.