Long story short, someone wonder traded me a shiny Lugia with a somewhat suggestive name. (I could PM it to you if you want) I obviously didn't want it since I already own a shiny Lugia. I then proceed to Wondertrade it and it ended up in someone else's hands.
If they were say, a kid... Could they potentially report it to Nintendo or something and get me in trouble? Of course it DOESENT have my name on it but could Nintendo still see who traded it? Or am I just worrying way too much?
You won't be liable but I hoped you didn't forward it to anyone though. Whoever received it won't be happy anyways. Next time just release it, or if you can edit the name
May 25, 2016, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: May 25, 2016, 08:31 PM by Lythania.)
Like Davizz said, you didn't make the name, so don't worry about it!
I don't have/use a powersaver or anything. I myself wouldn't be able to edit a name, thus whenever I get any pokemon like that--even a shiny legendary--I release it. Better to take it off the market entirely, so to speak. (I even release ones with just plain annoying names, like a shiny Magikarp I got through WT named wondertroll that I released a couple weeks ago. xD)
----- My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire #1:Growlithe + #2:Larvesta + #3:Braixen If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
I believe Nintendo/TCPi/Game Freak has done a relatively good job in keeping most of the Pokemon names "PG" with their hack checks since one of the safety measures includes looking for vulgar language. Personally I won't be too offended by stuff like this since ...well its the internet and people with anonymity tend to do this this of stuff. This was a concern way back in XY when a group of japanese users hacked into the GTS and filled it with the really offensive stuff that can get anyone fired...at least in the US per say (Not that their job security relates to pokemon). They eventually fixed this but there are still some words and even new offensive words that come up. If anything, Game Freak will explain on the list of banned words/phrases in Sun/Moon