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Kanto Classics
As they are coming up soon, and most people already entered. Who all will be competing? I am competing, for the first time and wanted to get an idea of who will be in it. Smile
Im just gonna try troll my way through some matches (I only really want the dragonite)
Yeah, Dragonite is my fav dragon type Smile
Really lookin forward to it ") 2nd competitive experience, here for fun and to learn more!

Good Luck all xD
im gonna play in it, if anyone wants to do practice matches im also game for that
(Feb 28, 2016, 04:26 PM)Vexian Wrote: im gonna play in it, if anyone wants to do practice matches im also game for that

Yh man
Nice team!!!

Awesome battles man. same again tomoz ?? ")
(Feb 28, 2016, 05:31 PM)Fattus_Rattus Wrote: Nice team!!!

Awesome battles man. same again tomoz ?? ")

sure, was a lot of fun!

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