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Kris' Egg Swap! [OPEN]
@Tenebris_Kane Sure! I'll go online now too!

Well, the trade broke 24 Pokémon in  Sad

I am still in plaza and it seems fine on my end
@Tenebris_Kane Yeah, the connection went weird, I'll send you another request!
No. 24 traded succesfully, we were lucky so neither of us got a temp ban for connection failure
@Tenebris_Kane Whoo, sucessfully traded them all, I guess I'll let you know when I hatch them all  Tongue
@turtko ive got 3 atm if your still interested?? Cant believe you guys just traded 30 eggs.... Lol thats gonna be sooo much fun hatching x3  @Tenebris_Kane
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
@wartty Haha sure! I've still got a couple of Eggs, I'll add you and head to the plaza! Let me know when you're ready Cool
Aww sorry I thought it was 3 but its only 2 Sad feels like nothing compared to what you two had going xP ill add you and head to plaza ~
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
@wartty Haha no worries, I'm at the plaza, just send me a request!  Big Grin

They have all hatched now, took a while but finally finished. As you said the IV's are not that good but just from a quick look over them there are a few hidden abilities I didn't have before as well as a ton of egg moves so I look forward to checking each one more closely to see what I can do with them in the future  Smile
Plus, I think that trade of 30 eggs in one go will hold the record in the thread for a little while to come.


definitely fun to hatch them all, especially since it's soo unpredictable what is inside each egg. I really enjoy the surprise which is why I keep bumping this thread back to life whenever it hits 2nd or 3rd page and seems to be quiet again.

I will probably put a spoiler tag on this in edit at some point to show what I got from this trade since otherwise this post would be waaay too big...

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