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LEGITIMATE Shiny Pokemon Giveaway [Round 2] [COMPLETE]
@Strawberry_Soda Apologies, but yes, all Pokemon in this G/A are reserved / traded
Thanks for all the good times~
aww thats ok
I've deposit a Pelipper for Garchomp
Nome: ShnGwy
My Ot: Vitu
Msg: I Want Too Fill My Pokedex
Ultra Ball
Level 57
@Nooraks Sent
Thanks for all the good times~
@Kris When will you be available next? Let's set up a time Smile
I can be available at 4pm your time today or tomorrow
Thanks for all the good times~
(Sep 20, 2017, 11:46 PM)Kris Wrote: @Nooraks Sent
I've redeposited for Probo, It's a Golbat
Nome: Golbat
My Ot: Vitu
Msg: I Want Too Fill My Pokedex
Ultra Ball
Level 54
@Nooraks Next time please make sure I'm able to trade first. I wasn't even in Pokemon Sun at the moment. Sent.
Thanks for all the good times~
@Kris I didn't see your post earlier till now. Are you still availabl? I'm in the middle of a trade right now but will be done in max 15 minutes.
It'll have to be really quick @Kazuma
Thanks for all the good times~

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