Feb 19, 2015, 03:32 PM
Hey all I'm looking for 5iv bold bulbasaur with chlorophyll!
Ive got a 6iv adamant defiant pawniard (doesn't have sucker punch)
- 5iv calm rotom (no spe)
- 5iv calm rotom (no atk)
- 6iv Impish Inkay
- 5iv timid flame body larvesta (no atk)
Post your ign and fc below with what you would like and your bulbasaur or even ivysaur or venasaurs stats below
Ive got a 6iv adamant defiant pawniard (doesn't have sucker punch)
- 5iv calm rotom (no spe)
- 5iv calm rotom (no atk)
- 6iv Impish Inkay
- 5iv timid flame body larvesta (no atk)
Post your ign and fc below with what you would like and your bulbasaur or even ivysaur or venasaurs stats below