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LF: HA bold 5iv bulbasaur
Hey all I'm looking for 5iv bold bulbasaur with chlorophyll!

Ive got a 6iv adamant defiant pawniard (doesn't have sucker punch)
- 5iv calm rotom (no spe)
- 5iv calm rotom (no atk)
- 6iv Impish Inkay
- 5iv timid flame body larvesta (no atk)

Post your ign and fc below with what you would like and your bulbasaur or even ivysaur or venasaurs stats below Smile
I've got one but I won't be home until 7, if you don't mind waiting
(Feb 19, 2015, 03:45 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: I've got one but I won't be home until 7, if you don't mind waiting

works with me!
Looks like it's Brave, I'm sorry Sad
(Feb 19, 2015, 06:38 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: Looks like it's Brave, I'm sorry Sad

Thats okay! Thanks for the offer Smile
Ill breed one for you, ill PM you as fast as i get one, shouldn't take too long. Could i have that inkay in exchange, please? im interested on Malamar.

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