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[LOOKING FOR] HA gible and abra
looking for ha gible and ha abra, preferably 4-5 IVs. i dont have a lot to trade but i have a poop ton of BP so i can buy anything BP related you can imagine. i can also offer 5 iv breedjects if requested
I have HA gible with outrage, interested in most breedjects I dont have, what do you have to offer?
I've got a couple 5iv HA Gible rejects with egg moves. Could I have you pick me up an assault vest for one?
@fluffychickens yes i can! i'll be on for the next hour or so. adding your fc Smile
I'll get you in one sec, playing LoL
word i'll be in plaza so just shoot me a trade!
I'm on
thanks you!! Smile
You too man, thanks a bunch

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