Jan 13, 2020, 12:23 AM
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2020, 06:27 PM by wpendragon.
Edit Reason: SNOM!
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone would happen to have one of these HA Mon to trade:
Indeedee (F), Galar Meowth, or Swinub
I have a few hidden ability mons myself that I would be willing to trade including:
Riolu, Falinks, Farfetched, Ralts, Darumaka, Rufflet, Cufant, Jangmo-o, Scraggy, Sableye, Duraludan, Amper, Hats, Snom, and a few others.
If anyone is interested in trading (or knowing what else I got) feel free to "@" me or send a PM
Update: Got a snom! Thanks @Hojunhu
Indeedee (F), Galar Meowth, or Swinub
I have a few hidden ability mons myself that I would be willing to trade including:
Riolu, Falinks, Farfetched, Ralts, Darumaka, Rufflet, Cufant, Jangmo-o, Scraggy, Sableye, Duraludan, Amper, Hats, Snom, and a few others.
If anyone is interested in trading (or knowing what else I got) feel free to "@" me or send a PM

Update: Got a snom! Thanks @Hojunhu