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Hey, I'm looking for either a timid/modest Tapu Lele.  It doesn't have to be any certain level, but I would trade better pokemon for higher levels.  In return I have many good natured legendary pokemon and some BR pokemon with 5 or 6 IVs. Thanks!
Interested in that legendary list. What you got? I got a few Lele for trades.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Legendaries would be modest level 100 Suicune, jolly level 55 Virizion, bold level 100 Thundurus, adamant level 99 Terrakion, timid level 60 Raikou, jolly level 50 Uxie, the shiny event Tapu Koko, brave level 42 Registeel, careful level 90 Regirock, and modest level 73 Regice
Interested in event Koko, @HCSwimmer31. Would you prefer a Timid or Modest Lele? I have both that are level 100 and bottle capped, ready to be EV trained.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Oh awesome! Thank you! I would do that trade. Can I get a timid one? I haven't used the event Koko so would you like me to give it a bottle cap?
I think I already have you on my friends list too from a previous trade.
@HCSwimmer31 No need to cap it. I'll take it as is. I'm ready to trade if you are.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Ok thanks I'm ready!
My IGN is Flocka

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