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[LOOKING FOR] Ultra Beasts | [OFFER] UBs, Shinies, etc
Heya there!
Since I caught my UBs before thinking about playing them competitively... I'm here to trade for some with nice natures!
Maybe even IVs, but that's nothing a few Bottle Caps can't fix... Right? ;_;

But first off: I'd like to receive in-game caught Pokémon only. Clones are also fine.
Cloning isn't possible without Powersaves on Sun/Moon. Thanks @Drangor2 for the clarification!

In the end, I probably won't be able to determine their validity, but anyways.
Thank you very much for understanding - and hopefully, abiding.

Also important: Please @ me when answering here. I don't really check this very often. o.<

Here are the Pokémon I'm looking for:

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nature: Timid
IVs: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_796.png] Xurkitree
Nature: Timid
IVs: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_797.png] Celesteela
Nature: Impish
IVs: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe

Thus, these are the Pokémon I offer:
Feel free to grab multiple in exchange for one of yours!

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nickname: Nihilego
Nature: Brave
IVs: HP / Atk / SpA

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nickname: ウツロイド (its Japanese name)
Nature: Lax
IVs: HP / Atk / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nickname: Zéroïd (its France name)
Nature: Careful
IVs: Atk / SpA / SpD

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nickname: ウツロイド (its Japanese name)
Nature: Adamant
IVs: HP / Atk / SpD

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_793.png] Nihilego
Nickname: Nihilego
Nature: Modest
IVs: HP / Atk / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_794.png] Buzzwole
Nickname: Buzzwole
Nature: Docile
IVs: Def / SpA / SpD

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_795.png] Pheromosa
Nickname: フェローチェ (Its Japanese name)
Nature: Rash
IVs: HP / Def / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_795.png] Pheromosa
Nickname: Pheromosa
Nature: Jolly
IVs: Atk / SpA / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_796.png] Xurkitree
Nickname: Xurkitree
Nature: Jolly
IVs: Def / SpD / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_796.png] Xurkitree
Nickname: UB-03
Nature: Quiet
IVs: Atk / SpA / SpD + 30 on HP

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_797.png] Celesteela
Nickname: Celesteela
Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP / SpA / SpD

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_797.png] Celesteela
Nickname: Bamboiselle (its France name)
Nature: Docile
IVs: Atk / Def / SpA + idk 28 on SpD?

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_798.png] Kartana
Nickname: 종이신도 (Its Korean name)
Nature: Hardy
IVs: HP / Def / SpA

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_798.png] Kartana
Nickname: Kartana
Nature: Naughty
IVs: Atk / Def / SpA

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_799.png] Guzzlord
Nickname: Guzzlord
Nature: Brave
IVs: Atk / SpA / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_799.png] Guzzlord
Nickname: Yo Mama (I kid you not.)
Nature: Timid
IVs: Atk / Def / Spe

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_772.png] Type: Null
Nickname: Type: Null
Nature: Hasty
IVs: Atk / SpD / Spe

[Image: Icon-718-10.png] Zygarde 10%
Nickname: Zygarde
Nature: Impish
IVs: HP / Atk / SpA

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_800.png] Necrozma
Nickname: Necrozma
Nature: Brave
IVs: Def / SpA / SpD

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_800.png] Necrozma
Nickname: Necrozma
Nature: Bold
IVs: HP / Atk / Def + 29 on SpA

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_800.png] Necrozma
Nickname: Necrozma
Nature: Bold
IVs: HP / Atk / Def

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_766.png] Shiny Passimian
Nickname: Harambe (Naturally.)
Level: 50
Gender: Male
Nature: Docile
OT: Masako (220818)
IVs: 30 on Atk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_447.png] Shiny Riolu
Nickname: リオル (Its japanese name)
Level: 99
Gender: Male
Nature: Hardy
OT: 1D/ (431328)
IVs: Honestly? It looks like they're all at zero. Would any blue color be there, then? Either way, those are really, really low.

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_104.png] Shiny Cubone
Nickname: Indigo
Level: 17
Gender: Female
Nature: Lonely
OT: EthicsStar (393903)
IVs: HP / 30 on Atk / SpA / SpD / Spe

[Image: 037-a.png] Shiny Vulpix
Nickname: Vulpix
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Warning
Egg moves: Freeze-Dry, Moonblast
OT: Clarise (627874)
IVs: All maxed out It also has Pokérus.

[Image: 038-a.png] Shiny Ninetales
Nickname: 나인테일 (Its Korean name)
Level: 100
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Warning
Egg moves: Freeze-Dry, Moonblast, Encore
OT: MoonKr (207705)
IVs: HP / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe Thus, it's BR.

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_490.png] Shiny Manaphy
Nickname: Manaphy
Level: 100
Nature: Mild
Ability: Hydration
Egg moves: -
OT: GF (06016)
IVs: All maxed out

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_728.png] Shiny Popplio
Nickname: Popplio
Level: 5
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Ability: Torrent
Egg moves: -
OT: AuSLove.TV (098353)
IVs: All maxed out

[Image: 027-a.png] Shiny Alolan Sandshrew
Nickname: Sandshrew
Level: 53
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Slush Rush (HA)
Egg moves: Counter, Night Slash
OT: Mahina (072237)
IVs: All maxed out

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_741.png] Shiny Oricorio (Baile Style)
Nickname: Hitomi ☼
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Dancer
Egg moves: Tailwind, Pluck, Captivate, Safeguard
OT: Hinaru (964593)
IVs: All maxed out

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_258.png] Shiny Mudkip
Nickname: Mudkip
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Torrent
Egg moves: -
OT: Kaleb (13674)
IVs: All maxed out

Plus, I have a Litten caught in a Beast Ball. Which looks cool, but is hacked to 100%.

[Image: Pok%C3%A9monicon_121.png] Starmie
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Rapid Spin, Surf
IVs: HP + 30 on SpD + idk 28 on SpA? So, with just a few bottle cups, this one is BR.

Aaaand that's it!
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
I'm looking forward to some nice trades. >w<
i can gen you pokemon if u want but thats ur call
I'm willing to trade an adamant buzzwole for your shiny toxapex. It is 100% ligitimate and it not cloned.
I just added your FC and am ready to trade anytime!
Thank you very much. >w<

Thank you for your offer as well, but...
Playing with genned mons just doesn't feel right for me. o.<
In the end, it doesn't make a real difference, but... Yah. |3
Added Nihilego, Buzzwole and Celesteela to the list of offered Pokémon!

Also, I won't (knowingly) accept clones anymore.
Thanks @Drangor2 for clarifying, that cloning isn't possible without Powersaves or other third-party tools in Sun / Moon!
I hope that you can appreciate this wish of mine. Thank you very much for understanding!
Thank you very much! <3 It's perfect!
I hope everything's fine about the Toxapex as well!
Added loads of new mons. \o/

Also, I decided that you should be able to grab multiple of my Pokémon - so feel free to!
I could get you the mons you still need tonight pm me and give me details on what you need and are looking for.
Bump. I'm still looking for Nihilego, Xurkitree and Celesteela.

I updated the list of offered Pokémon AND added a bunch of Shinies. Which, maybe, are interesting for you guys!
I'm just obsesses with using Pokémon bred by my own. I'd loooove to use Shiny Oricorio. ;_;
I'm a little curious, you turned down someone offering to gen them would editing be ok? I only ask because the manaphy your offering is 100% edited, none of the 20th anniversary Pokemon could be shiny.

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