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Legendaries for trade!
I have shiny sceptile, and shiny ninetales, but I already have what is on this list.... Do you have any other 6iv shinies that are BR?
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:08 PM)Julia234 Wrote: I have shiny sceptile, and shiny ninetales, but I already have what is on this list.... Do you have any other 6iv shinies that are BR?

I have a shiny level 16 Nidoqueen that have 6iv's of that's what BR means lol. I also have a Level 100 shiny Aggron that has 6iv's and a shiny level 100 porygon-z with 6iv's Smile they all have the blue pentagon, too!
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:21 PM)KrystenJones Wrote:
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:08 PM)Julia234 Wrote: I have shiny sceptile, and shiny ninetales, but I already have what is on this list.... Do you have any other 6iv shinies that are BR?

I have a shiny level 16 Nidoqueen that have 6iv's of that's what BR means lol. I do have other shinies but they don't have 6iv's Sad If you're interested in any of them I could give you a list!

Oh, BR means Battle ready xD
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:28 PM)Julia234 Wrote:
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:21 PM)KrystenJones Wrote:
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:08 PM)Julia234 Wrote: I have shiny sceptile, and shiny ninetales, but I already have what is on this list.... Do you have any other 6iv shinies that are BR?

I have a shiny level 16 Nidoqueen that have 6iv's of that's what BR means lol. I do have other shinies but they don't have 6iv's Sad If you're interested in any of them I could give you a list!

Oh, BR means Battle ready xD

I know! I just don't know what people look for in BR pokemon hahaha, I don't really play competitively so I have no idea! I edited the message cause I looked through my boxes and found those pokemon laying around if you want them Smile
Ok Smile Unfortunatley I'm not looking for any of those sorry Sad
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:34 PM)Julia234 Wrote: Ok Smile Unfortunatley I'm not looking for any of those sorry  Sad

that's okay! i understand Smile
BR means EV trained, good IVs and good moves that are commonly used on that Pokemon.
By the way, I actually have a female shiny Noibat Smile
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:52 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: BR means EV trained, good IVs and good moves that are commonly used on that Pokemon.
By the way, I actually have a female shiny Noibat Smile

Oh, thank you for explaining! Smile Is there anything on my list that you are interested in for her?
The Porygon-Z sounds great, but I don't think it's quite fair to trade just 1 shiny for it, so would you be interested in a shiny female Mienfoo or shiny female Gothorita as well? Smile
(Feb 15, 2015, 05:59 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: The Porygon-Z sounds great, but I don't think it's quite fair to trade just 1 shiny for it, so would you be interested in a shiny female Mienfoo or shiny female Gothorita as well? Smile

If you are sure you want to I would love the mienfoo! My friend code is 1435-6473-6156 and my IGN is Krysten! Smile I am ready to trade when you are

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