looking for ha chimchar, ha slowpoke, ha bulbasaur, and a squirtle with aura sphere and dragon pulse.
I'm offering shiny golbat, steelix, entei, leafeon, dragalge, skorupi, marill, shedinja,jirachi, and staraptor.
also offering ha ninetails, a solar power and dry skin helioptile, ha machop, ha charizard, adamant speed boost blaziken, a chikorita with leech seed, and forretress with toxic spikes and stealth rocks.
I can get you chimchar, slow poke and bulbasaur but i haven't made a squirtle with ha but i haven't made a squirtle yet...but it sounds like you are making it a mega
(Jan 15, 2015, 08:54 AM)1harrisboy Wrote: looking for ha chimchar, ha slowpoke, ha bulbasaur, and a squirtle with aura sphere and dragon pulse.
I'm offering shiny golbat, steelix, entei, leafeon, dragalge, skorupi, marill, shedinja,jirachi, and staraptor.
also offering ha ninetails, a solar power and dry skin helioptile, ha machop, ha charizard, adamant speed boost blaziken, a chikorita with leech seed, and forretress with toxic spikes and stealth rocks.
(Jan 15, 2015, 09:11 AM)Kainelawless Wrote: I can get you chimchar, slow poke and bulbasaur but i haven't made a squirtle with ha but i haven't made a squirtle yet...but it sounds like you are making it a mega
(Jan 15, 2015, 08:54 AM)1harrisboy Wrote: looking for ha chimchar, ha slowpoke, ha bulbasaur, and a squirtle with aura sphere and dragon pulse.
I'm offering shiny golbat, steelix, entei, leafeon, dragalge, skorupi, marill, shedinja,jirachi, and staraptor.
also offering ha ninetails, a solar power and dry skin helioptile, ha machop, ha charizard, adamant speed boost blaziken, a chikorita with leech seed, and forretress with toxic spikes and stealth rocks.