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My breeding shop
hope its okay to make this as its my first time doing so. instead of making a bunch of threads i decided to make a shop

i can breed any pokemon of your choice with egg moves, nature, and ability plus i can also breed you some specific pokemon in special pokeballs. i can breed different genders too if you want a different gender from whats on the list
the list goes:
beast ball pokemon        love ball pokemon      moon ball pokemon    premier ball pokemon
[Image: 250px-374Beldum.png]                     [Image: lizard.png]male                 [Image: 250px-747Mareanie.png]male and female    [Image: a-vulpix.png]female
[Image: latest?cb=20150104171900] male                         [Image: 250px-063Abra.png]male             [Image: flower.png]female                [Image: 250px-583Vanillish.png]male
[Image: 250px-371Bagon.png]male and female            [Image: a-vulpix.png]female         [Image: 748.png]female                [Image: rockruff.png]male
[Image: 250px-010Caterpie.png] male                              [Image: 250px-225Delibird.png]male           [Image: palossand.png]male                    [Image: drampa.png]female
[Image: 250px-115Kangaskhan.png] female                              [Image: solosis.jpg] female       [Image: 250px-425Drifloon.png]female
[Image: 250px-456Finneon.png]female                                [Image: berry.png]female            [Image: 250px-741Oricorio-Baile.png]female
[Image: 250px-215Sneasel.png]male                                    [Image: 250px-104Cubone.png]male            [Image: Golisopod.png]female
[Image: 250px-461Weavile.png]male                                   [Image: 250px-058Growlithe.png]female          [Image: ghost.png]female
[Image: lycanroc_midnight_form.png]male
[Image: latest?cb=20160721160954]female
[Image: 250px-119Seaking.png]male
[Image: magikarp.jpg] male


male cyndaquil in a nest ball
male magikarp in a dive ball
male eevee in a heal ball
female vulpix in a nest ball
male dratini in a dive ball
female gigalith in a timer ball
female wingull in a lure ball
male and female sandshrew in a heavy ball
male pikipek in a level ball
female marowack in a timer ball
male vikavolt in a nest ball
male feebas in a lure ball
male milotic in a lure ball
female lurantis in a nest ball
male arcanine in luxury ball
female gumshoos in a timer ball
male bewear in a luxury ball
male goldeen in a dive ball
female krookadile is a dusk ball
female smeargle in a luxury ball
female gengar in a level ball
female wishiwashi in a net ball
female gastrodon in a nest ball
male gyrados in a net ball
female araquanid in a level ball
male drampa in a repeat ball
female passimian in a nest ball
male pikipek in a nest ball
female vullaby in a heal ball

i dont have any more lure balls or heavy balls sorry

pokemon that have their hidden abilities
[Image: 250px-147Dratini.png]
[Image: j193ui17mj.png]
[Image: 250px-425Drifloon.png]
[Image: flower.png]
[Image: 250px-443Gible.png]
[Image: 250px-115Kangaskhan.png]

looking for any shinies hacked or legit dont care
thank you very much

Happy customers
Hi! Im super intrested in your:

female kangaskhan
female comfey
female finneon
female toxapex
female driftloon
female oricorio
female drampa
female araquanid
female mareanie
female vulpix (premier ball and love)

in their pokeballs Smile. I dont have much in gen 7 but i can offer you a lot in gen 6 Smile

btw how many ivs and egg moves do each have? I'll offer you even more if they're real good <3
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
i dont know how to do ivs @Frost im sorry edit some very kind people here were able to point me to a guide here on iv breeding and i feel like i can breed you 4-5iv pokemon of these

i can teach kangaskhan these egg moves
Focus Energy
Trump Card

i can teach comfey

i can teach finneon
Aqua Tail
Signal Beam
Sweet KissTickle

i can teach toxapex
Spit UpStockpile

i can teach driftloonDestiny BondBody Slam
MementoHypnosisWeather Ball

i can teach oricorio SafeguardPluck

i can teach drampa
Dragon Rush

i can teach araquanid 
Aurora Beam
Spit Up

i can teach mareanie 
Spit Up

i can teach beldum no moves by breeding im sorry

i can teach vulpix
Power SwapMoonblast
which egg moves would you like? and some of them have to be chain bred on which i dont understand so any clarification would be nice!
updated the list of specific pokemon in special pokeballs
female wimpod in a beast ball
male drampa in a repeat ball
female passimian in a nest ball
male pikipek in a nest ball
female vullaby in a heal ball
female solosis in a love ball
female bounsweet ina love ball
female mimikyu in a moon ball

​​​​​​​are now available
@CellyBean do you have a milktank HA and Tauros HA?
@eddytay1234 i can probably get them today. what shinies do you have?
sorry i dont hunt for shiny :x
(i only hunt for HA)
@eddytay1234 thats okay. im interested in trading ha too. what ha's do you have?
you tell me what HA you want i maybe have it Smile
vulpix and sandshrew would be nice

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