Hi, everyone! I'm new both to Pokémon Forever, and Pokémon in general. My first Pokémon game was Alpha Sapphire, so, until recently, I had only played the 3DS games. I've been playing for a while now, but there are a lot of things I still do not know. I am currently alternating between Crystal, Diamond and Black to get caught up on previous gens -and having a blast, I might add! If I make a mistake, it's likely attributed to my relative newb-ness. Looking forward to being a part of the larger Pokémon community!!
Welcome, you'll enjoy your stay here, be sure to PM me, or my fellow Kahunas @moo311 and @"yung lord" or the mods @stephenWITNESS @FireTaco and @0kamii if you have any questions or issues