Hello everyone! New Pokemon fan here. Looking for a community to grow with, and maybe make some trades. I currently have Pokemon Ultramoon, and Pokemon X. I'm currently focusing on my Utlramoon game. More to come, but excited to join this community!
And we're excited to have you! My main business here is trading although I haven't revived my old trading thread, and across the forums we have pretty much whatever you could need.
(Jul 26, 2018, 10:29 AM)TheAlmightySancho Wrote: And we're excited to have you! My main business here is trading although I haven't revived my old trading thread, and across the forums we have pretty much whatever you could need.
Nice to see a new face, hope to see you around.
Awesome!! When I get off work tonight I'll dig up my friend code so I can update my profile.