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Nice to finally join the website! :D
Hope everyone's good!
welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~

Thanks : )
Hey Nezzeth! Welcome Smile
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi

Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.

Hullo! Welcome ^.^/
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

Hi Nezzeth! Welcome to the site! :D
Why Hello There Handsome And Welcome!
[Image: throwing-money.gif]
Are you that same Nezzeth who would stop donating yesterday? Welcome anyway :p

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