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Fastest way to get a Reset Bag in ORAS?
What the title says, any tips? I had trouble getting these in XY too, do I just run around with a fully EV'd Pokemon and hope one shows up in ST?
Unfortunately there is no "Fast way" although if you keep tapping the bottom screen while on the super training page, you'll get training bags quicker but at random. It took me an hour of tapping once to get a reset bag :D
alternatively you can use EV lowering berries. There's a list on serebii noting what berries do what

The EV lowering berries are the ones that say "Makes a pokemon more friendly but lowers base - "
How many EVs do those berry lower? I considered using them but I feel like it could get tedious.
They lower 10 at a time. They are very tedious to get, because you have to wait for them to grow and then go pick them to use.
If you're resetting all of the stats, you're better of tapping for a reset bag, but if you've made a mistake while EV training, the berries are better because you don't reset everything, only the specific stat
(Dec 30, 2014, 02:10 PM)Eckley Wrote: They lower 10 at a time. They are very tedious to get, because you have to wait for them to grow and then go pick them to use.
If you're resetting all of the stats, you're better of tapping for a reset bag, but if you've made a mistake while EV training, the berries are better because you don't reset everything, only the specific stat

That's not too bad... I messed up EV training my Smeargle and I need to change up the spread on my Sylveon so I'm just gonna try those for now. Thanks! :D
You can grind out lots of bags by putting your touch screen on the super training screen while biking around for breeding. it also lets you figure out how many eggs are in your party at any given time without having to look into your party. make sure your inventory of super training bags has been cleared out before you try this, though.
(Dec 30, 2014, 03:07 PM)Peppermint Wrote: You can grind out lots of bags by putting your touch screen on the super training screen while biking around for breeding. it also lets you figure out how many eggs are in your party at any given time without having to look into your party. make sure your inventory of super training bags has been cleared out before you try this, though.

Why did I never think of this? Thanks for the tip!

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