Hello Everybody! Black117 aka Kiev697 aka Kev here and today I have my latest VGC 2015 that you all either love or hate or both. I know its a rough relationship but we'll manage. Anyways I am gonna say this is the same team I used to win my first sub tournament here at Justin's Twitch Stream and the one I used for the 64-person tourney. Let me just say this, I'm a complete noob when it comes with 4v4 competitive doubles yet sorta a "highly above average" in smogon single. My friends have always tried to push me into the format,but I rather not deal with twice the rng that can completely screw over opponents. I actually entered Justin's tournament just for the f of it and I just entered a random singles team just to have fun in the tournament, and I never would have thought I make it to two consecutive finals and win one tournament (Justin where's my belt!) I'll be honest, I lied. I actually read a ton of strategies regarding VGC 2013 and 2014 doubles and am well aware of the viability of certain pokemon, their roles, what they brought to the team, and their niches. Thing is, I never had the time to practices VGC doubles because it is possibly a bigger rabbit hole than in singles IMO. Most of the battles I lose are often because I choke away my battles without actually recognizing win conditions to beat the opposing team as best I can. Now I practically do VGC battles in battle spot doubles and Pokemon Showdown nearly every day since probably mid December since I need all the experience I can to mature just how I did for singles. It'll take time yes, but I'm willing to improve my competitive game to be one the best VGC players in Pokemon.
OK I talk too much.... Anyways enough with the life stories and lets get to the team.
![[Image: latest?cb=20140217042605]](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/es.pokemon/images/5/5c/Mega-Kangaskhan_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140217042605)
Roo on Roids (Kangaskhan-Mega) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy/Parental Bond
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Low Kick/Power-Up Punch
- Double-Edge
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out/Protect
Remember how in my first VGC team rate my team how I said Mega Salamence was the best mega in the game aside from a few mega/primal legendaries in doubles. I change my mind because crap Mega Khan now has access to most of her move tutor attacks and is gonna rule this format with an iron fist. Some of the most notable tutor moves M-Kang now has access to are low kick (learn that the hard way against a friendly match against Tygaa2 since adamant M-Kang can OHKO other M-Kangs without no defense investment), ice punch for Landorus-t, Garchomp, and others grass/ground types, fire punch, drain punch, aqua tail, endeavor, thunder punch, iron tail, and etc. Literally Mega Kangaskhan is just so versatile in this new format that I'm almost never have an answer to it aside from letting one my pokemon faint, or some out maneuvering it with some clever switches and icy wind support from Cress. The ev spread pretty simplistic but enough to always beat other Mega Kangs without investment by using an adamant nature low kick. Initially I decided to drop sucker punch for two reasons: its unreliable at crucial plays in which its almost a 50/50 and because of the speed drops from icy winds kinda make sucker punch redundant. Like I mention, low kick is placed just to beat other Mega Kangaskhans, Heatran, Bisharp, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and other pokemon weak to fighting. It was a difficult decision to get rid of power-up punch for low kick but I realized that this Mega Kang need to function as a hit-and-run pokemon with low kick instead of opting for a long potential sweep with my other coverage moves. I had the same issue with fake out/protect since my Mega Kangaskhan is generally slower than some of the biggest threats in the VGC 2015 metagame. Ultimately I decided fake out pressure was just too good to pace up. I already mentioned ice punch's purpose since its kinda self explanatory. Lastly, double-edge is Mega Kangaskhan's strongest attack and I needed all the damage output I could get against bulky pokemon like Amoonguss, Rotom-A, Cresselia, etc. Mega Kangaskhan is the main battering ram for this team and I think people already know why.
![[Image: landorus-therian.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/landorus-therian.gif)
FlyLando (Landorus-Therian) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
184 HP / 232 Atk / 92 Spd
Experimmental EVs: 188 HP / 140 Atk / 4 Def / 84 SpD / 92 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
Ok here's the first of the three infamous legendaries I'll discuss in this thread. Let me just say from my experience from using Landorus-t from singles is that it'll be one of the main staples in the VGC 2015 metagame. What makes Landorus-T such as great choice in the format is its fantastic defensive ground/flying typing, well rounded stats, and most of all, intimidate support. I actually had Mega Salamence (with Intimidate as pre-mega) and Landorus-t was my main intimidate support to the attack stats from physical attackers and add artificial bulk to my team. Then I realized that Landorus-T and Mega Salamence exposes this teams weakness to competitive/defiant users like Bisharp, which gave my previous team a ton of issues. Ultimately I decided to get rid of Mega Salamence and kept Landorus-t because Salamence can easily be overwhelmed with all the icy winds (other ice options), trick rooms, pixilate hyper voices, and strong dragon/fairy attacks. I decide to run a assault vest because it felt like it was MY way of having sort of a mixed tank capable of launching its strong coverage moves. Earthquake is my Landorus-t main form of stab because with a 150 spread attack, Landorus-t will leave a huge dent to the opposing grounded pokemon. Rock slide fulfills the my "QuakeSlide" C-C-C-C-Cooooommmboooo Brrreakkkerr! lol (damn Justin that sound effect will forever scar me). Hits fire, flying, bug, and ice pokemon like Brave Bird, Trrantor--uh I mean mega charizard y/x, Mothra- ugh V-olcarona, East Bake Oven Rotom, and my main source of flinch hax. Honestly I rather use stone edge but if it weren't for that hideous accuracy it would be my answer for bypassing wide guard users to hit super effective against its partners. Superpower is my 100% answer to hit Mega Kangaskhan and other weak to fighting relatively hard with like T-tar, Bisharp, Ferrothorn, etc. U-turn is a homage to my favorite strategy of Volt-Turn and gives me sorta a way to deal damage against grass types like Ludicolo. It's also my main utility move for Lando so he can spread intimidate drops when I need it. The Ev spread I'm considering changing just to make use of that assault vest and haven't yet decided where to cut. Then again I'll probably come back to this shortly.
![[Image: rotom-wash.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/rotom-wash.gif)
Fruit Loops (Rotom-Wash) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 76 SpA / 124 SpD / 12 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Light Screen
First off, I need to get this out my chest.... ROTOM-W is one of the best all-round tank utility pokemon in any competitive format in pokemon and its partly do to with how easy it can practically fit in any team. It pretty much handles a good portion of the new comers largely Landorus-t, Heatran, Suicune, Thundurus, Milotic, etc well plus it gives my team more bulk. The ev spread is similar to what the Smogon Doubles set has for Rotom-W with a bit of emphasis in a bit less special defensive,and more special attack and speed. Anyways Rotom-W acted as the main "glue" with you will of my entire team because of two moves: will-o-wisp, and light screen. First off, will-o-wisp allows Rotom-w to burn any physical attacks I deemed an immediate threat as well as against residual damage against tanks/walls like Ferro, T-tar, Goodra, Suicune, Zappy Bird, Aegislash, and opposing Rotom-A's. This is also my "emergency attack" to give my Heatran a flash fire boost and hit a powerful heat wave off but I only do this on occasions I need to overwhelm my opponent. Finally the move that I practically deserves to see more usage in this format: Light screen. Ok I copied this idea from Aaron "Cypertron" Zheng's 2013 Rotom-W since it practically adds a layer of special bulk for the entire team for at least 4-5 turns. Let me be frank, I believe with the new additions to the VGC Format to old staples as well as Mega Evoluation we will definitely see a largely specially-based metagame. I get why people still think it's still slightly physically based with all the Kangs, Mawiles, and Landos running around (would have opted for reflect instead) but with powerful legendaries like Zapdos, Suicune, Raikou, Thundurus-I/T, Heatran, and Cresselia, we are all starting to withness this huge influx of special attacks. Light Screen is my answer to the metagame so far and honestly this has helped my out in so many battles, its describable considering most of my pokemon had a decent amount of natural or special bulk investment. This serves as my soft check towards hyper voice spam from choice specs Sylveon (god that thing is evil) as well as other special attack spread moves like heat waves, discharge, surf, muddy water, blizzard from hailroom teams, eruption, and etc. I occasionally try to setup a light screen when I know my opponent will setup as a counter measure or use protect the following turn while having two special attacks. Thunderbolt and hydro miss (misses most of the time while on the ladder) are pretty much standard coverage stabs, nothing there. In summation, the purpose of Rotom-W is to spread burns, setup light screen when given the chance, or attack with one of its stab coverage moves. I almost want to say that Rotom-w was my main defensive MVP of the team just because the amount of utility it has.
Here are some damage calculations for this particular Rotom-W build:
![[Image: heatran.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/heatran.gif)
FireGemErupt (Heatran) @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
[s]EVs: 52 HP / 252 SpA / 204 Spd
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Ice/Substitute
- Protect (Thanks Obama )
Immediately I realized that I need sort of a check and counter to fairies, particularly from pixilate users from Mega Gardevoir and Sylveon. First pokemon to come in mind is Heatran as it can help me wall and check these threats well (as long as they don't run hp ground or focus blast). Honestly next to Kang and Lando, Heatran comes in mind as my main offensive pokemon with its spread heat wave attacks. Let me explain a bit of its coverage attacks. Earth power allows Heatran to hit opposing Heatrans and get past wide guard users like Aegi just to hit my targets hard. I actually had flash cannon as a move coverage but considering that it only hits fairies while I had earth power and heat wave attacks to hit opposing Heatrans, fire, eletric, and rock type pokemon respectively, I figured it wasn't a decent tradeoff. Hidden Power Ice works as a lure to catch opposing pokemon like Garchomp, Zapdos, Thundurus, and Landorus-t with a powerful super effective hit. This works well in conjunction to Heatran's held item, shuca berry as it cuts the power of grounds moves (abeit crit or stat increases) and lets Heatran survive to hit off an HP Ice. Finally, Protect ensures that I can scout/stall out attacks from opposing pokemon. Btw I tend to do this more often whenever I see opposing Rotom-W and others. Not much to say but other than a special thanks to Obama for choosing protect.
Former member (part of 1st place Tournament team)
![[Image: bisharp.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/bisharp.gif)
Sharpener (Bisharp) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Protect/low kick
- Iron Head
Ok a bit of a disclamer: Here I'll discuss shortly about why I choose Milotic over Bisharp for the 64-person tourney
I miss Bisharp. Not using Bisharp on my team for sure costed me my only real way to beat opposing Aegislash with a stab life orb knock off, especially my round 2 match. I really don't know why I doubted it because its practically the best defiant in the game no questions asked. I honestly think to myself that game freak intentionally made Bisharp good with the knock off buff alone as well as steel losing some resistances, notably dark. The reason why I choose Milotic over Bisharp was because Milotic has overall better bulk to take hits and can get the immediate +2 special attack instead of a +1 attack but here are some issues. Bisharp can immediately threaten opposing pokemon with stab knock off and hit very hard with its other two moves. Sucker punch was my only form of priority because I opted for a very slow and bulky offensive team capable of taking hits and hitting back hard. Usually if I'm not going with knock off, chances are I will go with sucker punch most of the time. I'll repeat this again, knock off is my answer to bulky pokemon like opposing Rotom-W, Cresselias, Gothetelle, bulky Mega Gengar, Aegislash and so many other defensive threats. Next I decided to run iron head as my main check to beat fairy type pokemon like Sylveon running around. I was considering low kick to hit Mega Kang and Heatran but I realized that iron head will help out in the long run. Techinally speaking, Bisharp is such simplistic, yet very deadly pokemon capable betting opposing mons with its stab coverage. I used Bisharp a ton in OU and it can literally sweep teams opponents aren't as careful against it. Alright back to my discussion about Milotic over Bisharp. I was thinking long term about the tournament, and I prefer bulky offensive pokemon for this team than frail ones. I initially thought that Bisharp exposed my team to fight (already is) but then I realized that its a 4v4 format and its highly improbable to bring Bisharp, Heatran, and Kang in a team with that had two fighting types. In the end, i should have stick with Bisharp for the tournament instead of Milotic since then the team felt "complete".
New Member
![[Image: milotic.gi]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/milotic.gi)
Milotic @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Competitive
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 36 SpA / 4 Spe Credits to Rogue for the EV Spread
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Mirror Coat
- Rest
Let me start off by saying Milotic is a fantastic choice in the New VGC 2015 format mainly because of its new ability competitive. Unlike the ability defiant, Milotic gets the luxury of getting a +2 in its special attack instantly instead of the +1 in attack for defiant users. I love how Milotic can instantly threaten the likes of Mawile, Landorus-t, and other intimidate users with its +2 scald and ice beam. I choose mirror coat as a way to deal with opposing rotom-w, Thundurus, Zapdos, and other special attacking pokemon. Usually if I could nab a KO against one of these pokemon in particualar, I can almost guarantee other pokemon can safely setup against the opposing team. last last option I use the fame resto-chesto strategy just to get Milotic back and ready to fight again. Though Milotic was one of my main special attackers for this team, I think I was a poor choice in my part to make a sudden change for Bisharp. Yes I had a fighting weakness but I had Landorus-t, Cresselia, and Rotom-w to either burn, intimidate, or hit super effective attacks against. All what Milotic did was open up a weakness to grass and electric attacks, but most of all removed the IMO my best reliable check to Aegislash in Bisharp. I actually used this team with Milotic and got decently high on the Pokemon Showdown ladder but I think Bisharp was the original better choice for this team. Sorry Milotic, it wasn't our chance to shine bright today. I'll make you work somehow with a new team. : (
![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTblgE6qrWUUPQlZicWjfu...Q4LgEBjglQ]](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTblgE6qrWUUPQlZicWjfu_Q5RSRfw0ZtJz-D2RqteRQ4LgEBjglQ)
![[Image: cresselia.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/cresselia.gif)
DUCKHUNTSWAN (Cresselia) @ Safety Goggles/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 232 HP / 116 Def / 116 SpA / 44 Spd
Aaron "Cybertron" Zheng's Sample Cresselia: 220 HP / 100 Def / 188 SpA
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Icy Wind
- Moonblast/Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
I know how much the community much you love Cresselia (I heard ; ) ) so let me start off by saying this: "Cress is love, Cress is life". Anyways Cresselia is one of the most diverse defensive pokemon to use throughout its time in the VGC format. I'll admit that Cresselia is not what it use to be anymore because of the substantial power creep that came with the Ghost/Dark buffs and the advent of Mega Evolutions. I'll say this, if any of you guys are gonna face me, chances are I will have a Cresselia somewhere in my team. Alright let me get to the set. I tested multiple movesets, items, teammates, and ev spreads just to see what Cresselia I want. Ultimately I decided to run good ol' calm mind because I realize that people tend to think of Cress as a defensive pokemon but the calm mind set can literally sweep teams. Usually I tend to lead with Rotom-w and Cresselia just to get a light screen off and start setting up calm minds immediately. With the calm minds and the light screen up, Cresselia's special defenses goes through the roof as it just basically takes special hits for days. Even special Aegislash cannnot break this thing with a crit or something of that nature:
252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. +1 220 HP / 0 SpD Cresselia through Light Screen: 59-71 (26.4 - 31.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
In retaliation:
+2 188 SpA Cresselia Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Blade: 76-90 (45.5 - 53.8%) -- 49.2% chance to 2HKO ( I know its in blade form but usually people I face keep it in this form for some reason.)
Getting back to Cresselia, she can basically wall nearly all special attackers after the light screen and a calm mind under her belt. Now lets get down to her attacks. I already mention how calm mind tranforms Cress in to a special tank that just chips away at the opponent's side. Originally I had moonblast just so that Cresselia can actually hit against pokemon like Bisharp but I realize I had enough ways to deal with it with Heatran, Rotom-W, Landorus-t (can take a +1 sucker punch) and Mega Kang. Then I realize that I had no answer to Amoongus and basically those calm minds will go to waste if I can't hit that mushroom hard. Icy wind is my main speed control as it allows Cress to slow down my oppenent's team enough so that Mega Kang, Landorus-t, Heatran, and Bisharp have a field day against the opposing team. Everyone has to remember that the speed tiers for pokemon around level 50s are bunch up together and usually pokemon outspeed each other by several point. With icy wind, I immediately alleviate my bulky team's lack of speed investment. This was probably my second most important attack for this team as it basically neuters speed threats like Mega Salamence, Garchomp, Thundurus, Landorus-t, and other speed threats. Of course, my team is weak to tailwind teams but I'm not particularly worried since my team is already as slow as is. Now I had moonlight just as a recovery option just to get at a health amount of HP considering I'll be boosting my special stats. Now I actually indented to have rocky helmet for this Cresselia as it gets off residual damage against physical attacks. In tandem with moonlight, calm mind boosts, and the potential light screen from Rotom-w, I basically forcing my opponent to hit my physical defense while I just recover off the damage. Eventually I changed the ev spread to Cypertron's Sample evs for Cresselia just to get enough special attack increases. Cresselia was already slow so I figured that the help of icy wind can alleviate the lack os speed investment.Basically Cresselia was the main defensive anchor of the team that practically just sits there chipping off damage and icy wind drops against my opponent.
So that's my modified version of my original VGC 2015 team. Hopefully everyone can provide some input and criticism on any faults my team has such as suggestive ev spreads, move changes, etc. Thanks for everyone for reading this RMT
OK I talk too much.... Anyways enough with the life stories and lets get to the team.
![[Image: latest?cb=20140217042605]](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/es.pokemon/images/5/5c/Mega-Kangaskhan_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140217042605)
Roo on Roids (Kangaskhan-Mega) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy/Parental Bond
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Low Kick/Power-Up Punch
- Double-Edge
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out/Protect
Remember how in my first VGC team rate my team how I said Mega Salamence was the best mega in the game aside from a few mega/primal legendaries in doubles. I change my mind because crap Mega Khan now has access to most of her move tutor attacks and is gonna rule this format with an iron fist. Some of the most notable tutor moves M-Kang now has access to are low kick (learn that the hard way against a friendly match against Tygaa2 since adamant M-Kang can OHKO other M-Kangs without no defense investment), ice punch for Landorus-t, Garchomp, and others grass/ground types, fire punch, drain punch, aqua tail, endeavor, thunder punch, iron tail, and etc. Literally Mega Kangaskhan is just so versatile in this new format that I'm almost never have an answer to it aside from letting one my pokemon faint, or some out maneuvering it with some clever switches and icy wind support from Cress. The ev spread pretty simplistic but enough to always beat other Mega Kangs without investment by using an adamant nature low kick. Initially I decided to drop sucker punch for two reasons: its unreliable at crucial plays in which its almost a 50/50 and because of the speed drops from icy winds kinda make sucker punch redundant. Like I mention, low kick is placed just to beat other Mega Kangaskhans, Heatran, Bisharp, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and other pokemon weak to fighting. It was a difficult decision to get rid of power-up punch for low kick but I realized that this Mega Kang need to function as a hit-and-run pokemon with low kick instead of opting for a long potential sweep with my other coverage moves. I had the same issue with fake out/protect since my Mega Kangaskhan is generally slower than some of the biggest threats in the VGC 2015 metagame. Ultimately I decided fake out pressure was just too good to pace up. I already mentioned ice punch's purpose since its kinda self explanatory. Lastly, double-edge is Mega Kangaskhan's strongest attack and I needed all the damage output I could get against bulky pokemon like Amoonguss, Rotom-A, Cresselia, etc. Mega Kangaskhan is the main battering ram for this team and I think people already know why.
![[Image: landorus-therian.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/landorus-therian.gif)
FlyLando (Landorus-Therian) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
184 HP / 232 Atk / 92 Spd
Experimmental EVs: 188 HP / 140 Atk / 4 Def / 84 SpD / 92 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
Ok here's the first of the three infamous legendaries I'll discuss in this thread. Let me just say from my experience from using Landorus-t from singles is that it'll be one of the main staples in the VGC 2015 metagame. What makes Landorus-T such as great choice in the format is its fantastic defensive ground/flying typing, well rounded stats, and most of all, intimidate support. I actually had Mega Salamence (with Intimidate as pre-mega) and Landorus-t was my main intimidate support to the attack stats from physical attackers and add artificial bulk to my team. Then I realized that Landorus-T and Mega Salamence exposes this teams weakness to competitive/defiant users like Bisharp, which gave my previous team a ton of issues. Ultimately I decided to get rid of Mega Salamence and kept Landorus-t because Salamence can easily be overwhelmed with all the icy winds (other ice options), trick rooms, pixilate hyper voices, and strong dragon/fairy attacks. I decide to run a assault vest because it felt like it was MY way of having sort of a mixed tank capable of launching its strong coverage moves. Earthquake is my Landorus-t main form of stab because with a 150 spread attack, Landorus-t will leave a huge dent to the opposing grounded pokemon. Rock slide fulfills the my "QuakeSlide" C-C-C-C-Cooooommmboooo Brrreakkkerr! lol (damn Justin that sound effect will forever scar me). Hits fire, flying, bug, and ice pokemon like Brave Bird, Trrantor--uh I mean mega charizard y/x, Mothra- ugh V-olcarona, East Bake Oven Rotom, and my main source of flinch hax. Honestly I rather use stone edge but if it weren't for that hideous accuracy it would be my answer for bypassing wide guard users to hit super effective against its partners. Superpower is my 100% answer to hit Mega Kangaskhan and other weak to fighting relatively hard with like T-tar, Bisharp, Ferrothorn, etc. U-turn is a homage to my favorite strategy of Volt-Turn and gives me sorta a way to deal damage against grass types like Ludicolo. It's also my main utility move for Lando so he can spread intimidate drops when I need it. The Ev spread I'm considering changing just to make use of that assault vest and haven't yet decided where to cut. Then again I'll probably come back to this shortly.
![[Image: rotom-wash.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/rotom-wash.gif)
Fruit Loops (Rotom-Wash) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 76 SpA / 124 SpD / 12 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Light Screen
First off, I need to get this out my chest.... ROTOM-W is one of the best all-round tank utility pokemon in any competitive format in pokemon and its partly do to with how easy it can practically fit in any team. It pretty much handles a good portion of the new comers largely Landorus-t, Heatran, Suicune, Thundurus, Milotic, etc well plus it gives my team more bulk. The ev spread is similar to what the Smogon Doubles set has for Rotom-W with a bit of emphasis in a bit less special defensive,and more special attack and speed. Anyways Rotom-W acted as the main "glue" with you will of my entire team because of two moves: will-o-wisp, and light screen. First off, will-o-wisp allows Rotom-w to burn any physical attacks I deemed an immediate threat as well as against residual damage against tanks/walls like Ferro, T-tar, Goodra, Suicune, Zappy Bird, Aegislash, and opposing Rotom-A's. This is also my "emergency attack" to give my Heatran a flash fire boost and hit a powerful heat wave off but I only do this on occasions I need to overwhelm my opponent. Finally the move that I practically deserves to see more usage in this format: Light screen. Ok I copied this idea from Aaron "Cypertron" Zheng's 2013 Rotom-W since it practically adds a layer of special bulk for the entire team for at least 4-5 turns. Let me be frank, I believe with the new additions to the VGC Format to old staples as well as Mega Evoluation we will definitely see a largely specially-based metagame. I get why people still think it's still slightly physically based with all the Kangs, Mawiles, and Landos running around (would have opted for reflect instead) but with powerful legendaries like Zapdos, Suicune, Raikou, Thundurus-I/T, Heatran, and Cresselia, we are all starting to withness this huge influx of special attacks. Light Screen is my answer to the metagame so far and honestly this has helped my out in so many battles, its describable considering most of my pokemon had a decent amount of natural or special bulk investment. This serves as my soft check towards hyper voice spam from choice specs Sylveon (god that thing is evil) as well as other special attack spread moves like heat waves, discharge, surf, muddy water, blizzard from hailroom teams, eruption, and etc. I occasionally try to setup a light screen when I know my opponent will setup as a counter measure or use protect the following turn while having two special attacks. Thunderbolt and hydro miss (misses most of the time while on the ladder) are pretty much standard coverage stabs, nothing there. In summation, the purpose of Rotom-W is to spread burns, setup light screen when given the chance, or attack with one of its stab coverage moves. I almost want to say that Rotom-w was my main defensive MVP of the team just because the amount of utility it has.
Here are some damage calculations for this particular Rotom-W build:
![[Image: heatran.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/heatran.gif)
FireGemErupt (Heatran) @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
[s]EVs: 52 HP / 252 SpA / 204 Spd
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Ice/Substitute
- Protect (Thanks Obama )
Immediately I realized that I need sort of a check and counter to fairies, particularly from pixilate users from Mega Gardevoir and Sylveon. First pokemon to come in mind is Heatran as it can help me wall and check these threats well (as long as they don't run hp ground or focus blast). Honestly next to Kang and Lando, Heatran comes in mind as my main offensive pokemon with its spread heat wave attacks. Let me explain a bit of its coverage attacks. Earth power allows Heatran to hit opposing Heatrans and get past wide guard users like Aegi just to hit my targets hard. I actually had flash cannon as a move coverage but considering that it only hits fairies while I had earth power and heat wave attacks to hit opposing Heatrans, fire, eletric, and rock type pokemon respectively, I figured it wasn't a decent tradeoff. Hidden Power Ice works as a lure to catch opposing pokemon like Garchomp, Zapdos, Thundurus, and Landorus-t with a powerful super effective hit. This works well in conjunction to Heatran's held item, shuca berry as it cuts the power of grounds moves (abeit crit or stat increases) and lets Heatran survive to hit off an HP Ice. Finally, Protect ensures that I can scout/stall out attacks from opposing pokemon. Btw I tend to do this more often whenever I see opposing Rotom-W and others. Not much to say but other than a special thanks to Obama for choosing protect.
Former member (part of 1st place Tournament team)
![[Image: bisharp.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/bisharp.gif)
Sharpener (Bisharp) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Protect/low kick
- Iron Head
Ok a bit of a disclamer: Here I'll discuss shortly about why I choose Milotic over Bisharp for the 64-person tourney
I miss Bisharp. Not using Bisharp on my team for sure costed me my only real way to beat opposing Aegislash with a stab life orb knock off, especially my round 2 match. I really don't know why I doubted it because its practically the best defiant in the game no questions asked. I honestly think to myself that game freak intentionally made Bisharp good with the knock off buff alone as well as steel losing some resistances, notably dark. The reason why I choose Milotic over Bisharp was because Milotic has overall better bulk to take hits and can get the immediate +2 special attack instead of a +1 attack but here are some issues. Bisharp can immediately threaten opposing pokemon with stab knock off and hit very hard with its other two moves. Sucker punch was my only form of priority because I opted for a very slow and bulky offensive team capable of taking hits and hitting back hard. Usually if I'm not going with knock off, chances are I will go with sucker punch most of the time. I'll repeat this again, knock off is my answer to bulky pokemon like opposing Rotom-W, Cresselias, Gothetelle, bulky Mega Gengar, Aegislash and so many other defensive threats. Next I decided to run iron head as my main check to beat fairy type pokemon like Sylveon running around. I was considering low kick to hit Mega Kang and Heatran but I realized that iron head will help out in the long run. Techinally speaking, Bisharp is such simplistic, yet very deadly pokemon capable betting opposing mons with its stab coverage. I used Bisharp a ton in OU and it can literally sweep teams opponents aren't as careful against it. Alright back to my discussion about Milotic over Bisharp. I was thinking long term about the tournament, and I prefer bulky offensive pokemon for this team than frail ones. I initially thought that Bisharp exposed my team to fight (already is) but then I realized that its a 4v4 format and its highly improbable to bring Bisharp, Heatran, and Kang in a team with that had two fighting types. In the end, i should have stick with Bisharp for the tournament instead of Milotic since then the team felt "complete".
New Member
Milotic @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Competitive
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 36 SpA / 4 Spe Credits to Rogue for the EV Spread
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Mirror Coat
- Rest
Let me start off by saying Milotic is a fantastic choice in the New VGC 2015 format mainly because of its new ability competitive. Unlike the ability defiant, Milotic gets the luxury of getting a +2 in its special attack instantly instead of the +1 in attack for defiant users. I love how Milotic can instantly threaten the likes of Mawile, Landorus-t, and other intimidate users with its +2 scald and ice beam. I choose mirror coat as a way to deal with opposing rotom-w, Thundurus, Zapdos, and other special attacking pokemon. Usually if I could nab a KO against one of these pokemon in particualar, I can almost guarantee other pokemon can safely setup against the opposing team. last last option I use the fame resto-chesto strategy just to get Milotic back and ready to fight again. Though Milotic was one of my main special attackers for this team, I think I was a poor choice in my part to make a sudden change for Bisharp. Yes I had a fighting weakness but I had Landorus-t, Cresselia, and Rotom-w to either burn, intimidate, or hit super effective attacks against. All what Milotic did was open up a weakness to grass and electric attacks, but most of all removed the IMO my best reliable check to Aegislash in Bisharp. I actually used this team with Milotic and got decently high on the Pokemon Showdown ladder but I think Bisharp was the original better choice for this team. Sorry Milotic, it wasn't our chance to shine bright today. I'll make you work somehow with a new team. : (
![[Image: cresselia.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/cresselia.gif)
DUCKHUNTSWAN (Cresselia) @ Safety Goggles/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 232 HP / 116 Def / 116 SpA / 44 Spd
Aaron "Cybertron" Zheng's Sample Cresselia: 220 HP / 100 Def / 188 SpA
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Icy Wind
- Moonblast/Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
I know how much the community much you love Cresselia (I heard ; ) ) so let me start off by saying this: "Cress is love, Cress is life". Anyways Cresselia is one of the most diverse defensive pokemon to use throughout its time in the VGC format. I'll admit that Cresselia is not what it use to be anymore because of the substantial power creep that came with the Ghost/Dark buffs and the advent of Mega Evolutions. I'll say this, if any of you guys are gonna face me, chances are I will have a Cresselia somewhere in my team. Alright let me get to the set. I tested multiple movesets, items, teammates, and ev spreads just to see what Cresselia I want. Ultimately I decided to run good ol' calm mind because I realize that people tend to think of Cress as a defensive pokemon but the calm mind set can literally sweep teams. Usually I tend to lead with Rotom-w and Cresselia just to get a light screen off and start setting up calm minds immediately. With the calm minds and the light screen up, Cresselia's special defenses goes through the roof as it just basically takes special hits for days. Even special Aegislash cannnot break this thing with a crit or something of that nature:
252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. +1 220 HP / 0 SpD Cresselia through Light Screen: 59-71 (26.4 - 31.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
In retaliation:
+2 188 SpA Cresselia Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Blade: 76-90 (45.5 - 53.8%) -- 49.2% chance to 2HKO ( I know its in blade form but usually people I face keep it in this form for some reason.)
Getting back to Cresselia, she can basically wall nearly all special attackers after the light screen and a calm mind under her belt. Now lets get down to her attacks. I already mention how calm mind tranforms Cress in to a special tank that just chips away at the opponent's side. Originally I had moonblast just so that Cresselia can actually hit against pokemon like Bisharp but I realize I had enough ways to deal with it with Heatran, Rotom-W, Landorus-t (can take a +1 sucker punch) and Mega Kang. Then I realize that I had no answer to Amoongus and basically those calm minds will go to waste if I can't hit that mushroom hard. Icy wind is my main speed control as it allows Cress to slow down my oppenent's team enough so that Mega Kang, Landorus-t, Heatran, and Bisharp have a field day against the opposing team. Everyone has to remember that the speed tiers for pokemon around level 50s are bunch up together and usually pokemon outspeed each other by several point. With icy wind, I immediately alleviate my bulky team's lack of speed investment. This was probably my second most important attack for this team as it basically neuters speed threats like Mega Salamence, Garchomp, Thundurus, Landorus-t, and other speed threats. Of course, my team is weak to tailwind teams but I'm not particularly worried since my team is already as slow as is. Now I had moonlight just as a recovery option just to get at a health amount of HP considering I'll be boosting my special stats. Now I actually indented to have rocky helmet for this Cresselia as it gets off residual damage against physical attacks. In tandem with moonlight, calm mind boosts, and the potential light screen from Rotom-w, I basically forcing my opponent to hit my physical defense while I just recover off the damage. Eventually I changed the ev spread to Cypertron's Sample evs for Cresselia just to get enough special attack increases. Cresselia was already slow so I figured that the help of icy wind can alleviate the lack os speed investment.Basically Cresselia was the main defensive anchor of the team that practically just sits there chipping off damage and icy wind drops against my opponent.
So that's my modified version of my original VGC 2015 team. Hopefully everyone can provide some input and criticism on any faults my team has such as suggestive ev spreads, move changes, etc. Thanks for everyone for reading this RMT