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[ORAS] To all other beginner shiny hunters out there!
Hi, this is my first thread, so I'm a bit nervous. I mainly just wanted to share my joy a bit, since today, I caught my first shiny Pokemon. Please welcome, Jasper the Sandshrew, to the family!
I've traded some before, but this is the first time I've ever acquired one myself. I don't have the Shiny Charm yet either, so since I was horde hunting, it was a 1/819 chance of getting one. I was determined to go all the way, so imagine my surprise when it only took 220 encounters (according to the shiny counter I was using) before I saw one.
I know how lucky I am, since I studied up on shiny hunting before starting myself. I expected it to take days, if not weeks. Before the horde hunting method, I tried hatching a shiny Seedot using the Masuda Method. In three weeks, I must have hatched at least 300 eggs without a single one being a shiny. Urgh, the frustration!
Now I realise that I just had to find something that suits me and not give up hope. After all, shiny hunting is the ultimate test of patience. Good luck to all of you out there! Who knows, you might get lucky too.
I have 7 shinies; one from chain fishing and the rest from friend safari
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
Get that Shiny Charme its worh it!You have a 5/4096 chance of getting a shiny when you do hordes. That is a 0.0012% chance of finding a shiny. The shiny charme increases the odds to 5/1365.3 (or 0.00367%)..As for me, I prefer to hatch my shinnies with the Masuda Method. With that method, I am able to control what I get and get good IVS along with it(most of the time).You can also do other things while ur at the Masuda Method,like watching TV or sth like this.

May the patience be with you!Good luck
Im on my first shiny hunt rn. IV/nature breeding Bagon and Beldum using Masuda Method. Soon enough, that gold/silver, 5IV Quiet (iirc) will be MINE!

But hey, keep up the shiny hunting, and snag that charm if you can - I don't have it myself, but it's worth it
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
I mostly get mine from chain fishing and using the Masuda Method.
But nice job dude it does take alot of patience
Congrats on the Sandshrew! I've only recently started shiny hunting in Gen 6 as well, and I've gotten most of my shinies from Chain Fishing, which I find to be a much easier method. I've gotten 6 shinies from that, and then 1 more just from a completely random encounter (super lucky!). 

I'm working on getting the Shiny Charm, which is annoyingly slow at times, but I've heard well worth it. 

Good luck to you with your shiny hunting in the future! It takes a ton of patience, but the rewards are great.  :D
Good luck to all of you!
Your number one flying-type trainer!
I've only started shiny hunting myself and was able to get a shiny Vulpix and Spearow through the Masuda Method. Smile Wish you luck on your guys's hunt!
i got 45 shinies caught or breed by me. it took months only for getting them. so much effort.
people says chain fishing is the easiest method, but for me, horde is the easiest one since i got 3 scraggys, 2 zubats, 2 rogenrolla, and 2 nidoran male. but with the IV spread lowest one. got 15 or less pokemon from safari, 6 from breeding (lucky got 2 shiny chikoritas on one breeding time for about 90 eggs using chain breeding). and only got 2 pokemon from fishing chain. pokeradar is the hardest i guess.
well, keep trying everyone. you'll be encountering one if you keep trying and being patient. happy shiny hunting. i'm on pokemon X, though.
Thanks guys. I'm trying for a shiny Swablu now and it's probably going to take longer, so the support is great!

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