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[ORAS] Unfinished ORAS chat (no story spoilers guys not even inside spoiler tags)
so we creating the EU 4 then? :P
That was my initial spot eeveeli haha but then I changed it to one on route 126(?) and you need surf and dive to reach it
@ Eckley

Ah do you have that spot which you have to dive a lot for? I heard that's the biggest one you could get Smile I don't like the cave-layout so i'm glad that there's also a big base with this grassy look :D

@ Evil,

Sounds like a great idea ^^

Edit: Evil would you mind if I added your FC? I believe I don't have you yet in my list Smile
@evil sure! I'll be the first one so people can just get me out of the way haha

@Eeveeli Yeah thast's the one! I only chose it because it was big and quite annoying to get to, but with only 20 spaces for decorations, I might look somewhere else because I don't like the way it is atm
sure Eeveeli

+ dw Eckley you can use this theme for your battle music if it lets you it will make you 20 times more powerful. DO not listen to this before you beat the elite 4 guys

Edit: so whose taking what type?
Haven't thought about it yet

You have type in mind for yourself?
Added you!

Also I really don't mind but if I had to pick one than I would go with the normal type; (I just love the pokemon who have this type ok. Hence, even my username has a normal-pokemon in it kappa)

But i'm also fine with steel or water to make it sound more 'elite' like and I will probably also go with one of these two. I need new breeding-projects anyways kappa/
at the moment I'm thinking fire or electric, but I'm still not sure. I dont really have a favourite type, so that's why I can't choose
we could go for types never seen in the elite 4 before :D

tbh we shud prob just go out fav types so for me fighting , fire or dragon is likely
Haha that's a cool idea :D

If i'm right then these are all the types that never made it to the elite 4 before: Normal, Flying, Grass, Electric, Rock and Fairy.

Welp I saw you edited your message. Nevermind this message above then. xD

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