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[PC] Overwatch stuff and things
(Sep 9, 2016, 03:34 AM)Eeveeli Wrote: After my, mostly playing support, placement matches for season 2 I ended up in rank 2172! This was because I got a LOT of draws + a few matches where ppl just left. But I still got gold because of the 172 points so that's better than nothing am I right. Kappa

But I'm currently at rank 2513 and am playing with a 60%+ winrate. I didn't play for a few days though so I hope I can get up even higher once it's weekend and I have time to play the game again :D But anyways, I'm kinda glad to know that I improved since season 1/aka escaped the lowrank hell where people always blame the healers but never do anything themselves to make things better haha (I don't even know how many times I saw "pro" genjis fly into a 1 vs 6 battle and blaming the healer after that for not healing them)

Not competitive related but since we're sharing POTG's here I like to share you one of my "better" Widowmaker plays haha. I've been wanting to learn her for ages and I think I can finally... somewhat play her (if she was just more viable in competitive) Still lost this round though because I didn't notice the Mei popping up from behind the wall before jumping down woops Kappa

Nice aim!

Widow after the nerf (2 weeks after the game came out) is not the best pick most of the times, but there are certain maps such as Attack on 1st checkpoint King's Row, Attack on Eichenwalde and Attack on B Hanamura where you can get fast entry kills to open the site for your teammates.

PS: Widow is only good in Attack situation because there is an entire area after your spawn where you can put yourself in a position where you don't have to worry about a Tracer/Genji/Winston flanking you, while on Defence you are more likely to be pushed by the enemy team most of the times and being targeted by a flanker.
I've been playing Widowmaker a little bit lately and im getting better at snipping, still havent pulled off a mid-air kill but ive been able to get more reliable head shots
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Here's another video showing a bug that exists at least on console. Performing your sitting emote in skirmish/practice makes your hero move MUCH faster, making for some pretty funny stuff. For example:

we need to try this combo one day
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
if anyone has time to play (PC version) and wants to group up, let me know when you're available, trying to get a bunch of loot boxes to get those sweet Halloween skins
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
I've opened 4 Halloween loot boxes so far and i've been unlucky, i only got new voice lines but no new skins or highlights/emotes Sad

If you guys need to complete an achievement (finish in Hard mode or finish in Medium without damage on the door) i can help you.

Tip: a full charged nanoboosted Dead Eyes can oneshot Reaper and Mercy, it leaves Junkrat with 1hp and Roadhog with 1/3hp, that makes Ana and Mccree cooperation the key to win in Hard mode :D
I have been playing Overwatch (Very Inconsistently I May Say) since September. I play as Tracer/Bastion/McCree. To prepare for the next Competitive Season, what is the best way to train, should I just play as the same heroes over and over so I can become more skilled on tactics and how to deal with certain situations?
Shimono Hiro!

(Nov 9, 2016, 11:39 PM)Allegro Wrote: I have been playing Overwatch (Very Inconsistently I May Say) since September. I play as Tracer/Bastion/McCree. To prepare for the next Competitive Season, what is the best way to train, should I just play as the same heroes over and over so I can become more skilled on tactics and how to deal with certain situations?

The first thing to do is to use the heroes you feel more consistent with, for example in the end of season 1 i felt like i was getting better with Zarya and Reaper so i've played mostly these heroes in season 2. However flexibility is also important.. if i have to play Reinhardt or Lucio - because the team needs it and nobody else can/wants - i can do it decently without any problem.

Counter-picking is also important. If your team is struggling against a certain team composition you may try to switch to something else that can solve the problem, without making your team unbalanced (if the enemy team has a Pharah but your team has no hitscan heroes to kill her, try to take a hero of the same role you were using that can counter Pharah - ex. switch from Tracer to McCree). Sometimes switching hero it's not up to you.. so just hope your team will realize the problem too.

Are you playing on Console or PC?
I'm just sitting here, waiting to get Overwatch and a new computer. I like playing Tracer (I once played Overwatch, sheesh) and Mercy. Those are going to probably be my mains when I get the game
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
finally i'm Master :P

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