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[POWERSAVES] Shiny pokemon made with powersaves
If you can get me a Shiny Ralts, that would be great. No particular IVs or EVs, as this is for my younger brother. He's always wanted one. My FC is to the left under my name and my IGN is Clark! If you need anything else, please let me know.
6iv shiny roselia black sluge


6iv shiny ditto nature adamant
Ign: Max
Fc: left
I was hoping you could possibly make me a Shiny preferably 6IV Jolly Drapion. EV's: 252 Attack, 4 Defense, 252 Speed. And if you can put it in a Cherish Ball.
My FC is 5300-9567-6631 IGN Ryan. I would really appreciate this man!
I would really appreciate if I could get a 6IV Shiny Vulpix with modest nature. I've been chaining it for a while now but tough luck :/
IGN: Chuzu
FC: 0318-9473-4336
fc: under name, ign:N

6 IV Timid HA Sylveon
Moon blast
Heal bell

holding leftovers, thanks Smile
Friend Code: Under name

IGN: Justin

I would like a Shiny Charizard
No Nickname plz
Gender: Male
Item: Charizardite X
IV's: Perfect
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Flame Charge, Roost
Can you if possible give him the ribbons from all the pokemon contests.

Thanks In Advance!!!   Smile

Also how will you notify us when it is complete?
A Shiny Slowbro
That's it thank you!
[A] 5043-4218-0206 (Nick) IGN: Nico
[B] 6IV ditto please, if not able, a turtwig
[C] Leftovers

Thanks in advance if you decide to help me! Smile
friend code is to the left
IGN: Gustav1994
pokemon i want: Shiny Totodile with 6 perfect IVs
Aqua Jet
Dragon Dance
the rest doesnt matter Smile

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