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Pokemon Crystal is now Available Worldwide
Pokemon Crystal has finally released Worldwide!! Go grab your copy off the e-Shop, and before you say there's not enough different from G/S, don't join the bandwagon, there's plenty different; Suicune story, Ruins of Alph expansion, Celebi.

Speaking of Celebi, for the first time in almost 17 years, Shiny Celebi is 100% Legal. When transferred from Pokemon Crystal, it will have 5 random Perfect IVs. Have fun, I know I am!

[Image: celebi.png] [Image: celebi.png]
Thanks for all the good times~
@gkh1997 Yo, your Legality post needs updating Smile
Thanks for all the good times~
(Jan 25, 2018, 07:26 AM)Kris Wrote: Pokemon Crystal has finally released Worldwide!! Go grab your copy off the e-Shop, and before you say there's not enough different from G/S, don't join the bandwagon, there's plenty different; Suicune story, Ruins of Alph expansion, Celebi.

Speaking of Celebi, for the first time in almost 17 years, Shiny Celebi is 100% Legal. When transferred from Pokemon Crystal, it will have 5 random Perfect IVs. Have fun, I know I am!

[Image: celebi.png] [Image: celebi.png]

Releases on the 26th in the US.
@wightvoid Ah thank you
Thanks for all the good times~
@Kris All good lol Though your post did remind me to buy it while I had the money!
Where is "America first" when it really matters?
Celebi has one of the best shinies Ive ever seen, but is spending half my life on a Pokemon worth it? Yes. Yes it is.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
@Dova Some of us have waited half our lives for this to happen
Thanks for all the good times~
(Jan 25, 2018, 07:23 PM)Kris Wrote: @Dova Some of us have waited half our lives for this to happen
I can only imagine, Im only 12 so I wouldnt know (it came out before me sooo) Smile Wish everyone going for this great luck!
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
Bump for my US bros
Thanks for all the good times~

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