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Pokemon breeder and battler here!
The name's Adri or MagicalMops Smile

I'm a breeder as well, I enjoy IV/Shiny Breeding rather than competitive battling (Yes I like getting eggs better than losing consecutively)  Blush

My favorite pokemon is probably Latios (its my first shiny, other than the free Lake of Rage Garas)

If you need a 6IV ditto you should definetely check out the Giveaway Subforum, where there are frequent Ditto Giveaways

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pokemon breeder and battler here! - by MagicalMops - Jul 30, 2016, 03:33 PM
RE: Pokemon breeder and battler here! - by croissant - Jul 30, 2016, 03:47 PM

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