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Quick VGC question
Is it recommended to bring chargers or are they not necessary? This is mainly in reference to the Manchester UK VGC next weekend.
Having not gone to a tournament i dont know the exact answer but i would say bring it but its not super necessary they'll obviously have spares and a random person may let you use their out of the kindness of their heart Heart
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
I've been to a few premier challenges near where I live and I've seen quite a few people with chargers but not everyone. If you go into round 1 with a full battery you should be good to go for the whole day depending on how many rounds and it you make top cut or not.

But like anime said. It doesn't hurt to bring it just in case. I personally haven't needed mine when I brought it but that's because my 3ds is still pretty new so the battery holds its charge pretty well.
Being in these situations before, it would definitely not hurt to bring a charger.
Always bring your charger. Swiss is typically done so quickly that your 3DS is on for 1-2 hours straight and then if you top cut you're going to want a charge. Worst case scenario, you bring it and never use it.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
I would have my 3DS charged the night before a major live event (VGC/ Grasroots Tourneys). Just bring your charger in case you need to power up your game, especially if you manage to go far in a tourney.

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