Oct 16, 2015, 02:11 PM
Oh what to say what to say. I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner. The whole college thing is kinda taking up my weekdays (minus Friday, but that is Binding of Isaac day, even though I am writing this on a Friday...) Your team makes sense. It seems like a strong team, however, I would put more time into EV training. Most of the time, it won't matter, but on the rare occasion, being just bulky enough to survive [insert the name of a common Pokemon here]'s [insert the name of said Pokemon's attack]. I understand your reasoning for using Lileep over Cradily, but Leftovers on Cradily is nice, and Lileep doesn't get that. I just realized you have an Eruption Camerupt. I love you for that. Now, I'm tired. I can't review something properly just yet.