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[RATE MY TEAM] May I have my team rated? Thanks.
I don't think Ninetales is the right choice in your 6th slot (it just adds Fire, Grass, Psychic and Ground coverage that you already have and it adds another weakness to Ground, Water and Rock).

You also don't have a great way to get rid of M-Kang (no Fighting type moves in your team) so you basically have 2 options:

1)put an Assault Vest on Landorus-T to add Superpower in its movepool and you are free to choose your 6th member (something like Milotic or Suicune might work, because you need another answer to Fire types, you can't 100% rely on Land-T to do that)

2)Add a Fighting type such as Conkeldurr, Scrafty or Terrakion in your 6th slot. Keep in mind that it will make your matchup against Talonflame (if you choose Conk or Scrafty) and Fairy types a bit more difficult in general. Terrakion might be the best choice since it outspeeds and OHKOs M-Kang with Close Combat. It also helps against Fire types thanks to Rock Slide (and Close Combat against opposing Heatran)

Terrakion @ Lum Berry  
Ability: Justified  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Close Combat  
- Rock Slide  
- Quick Guard / Taunt / Stone Edge (these are the best options)
- Protect

A bulkier spread for Cresselia and a way more simple spread for Heatran (Shuca Berry Heatran just needs 68HP Evs to survive an Adamant Land-T Earthquake so something like 68HP, 236SpA, 204Spe to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and to maximize SpA may work better, plus i would run Earth Power instead of W-o-W on it)

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RE: May I have my team rated? Thanks. - by GiMYz - Nov 27, 2015, 04:52 PM

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